Is My Husband / Wife Depressed: How To Know If Your Spouse Is Depressed
Have you ever wondered how to know if your spouse is depressed?
Exactly why this is relevant is because if this is not dealt with, it can cause severe problems in even the best of marriages. Therefore it is important to recognize signs that your spouse is depressed. We are talking about prolonged characterizations of these signs. Everyone exhibits some of these things from time to time.
You want to understand how to know if your spouse is depressed, and if it is a serious state of depression.
If you recognize and deal with these signs at an early enough stage, it might just save marriage. See, when depression depression is serious, even the best of marriages can be threatened.
I understand how you feel. There have been times when I have seen my wife exhibit one or more of these signs, and I wondered if trouble were on the way. On the other hand, I also have exhibited one or more of these signs, and I may have caused worry for my wife.
So, how do you discern whether the signs he or she is exhibiting is of a serious nature?
People who are successful at learning how to know if their spouse is depressed have discovered a secret.
What is that secret?
Here it really is: Four characteristics that are prolonged (for weeks or months at a time) and not just temporary in nature can be signs of serious depression in your spouse. Let's check out those four characteristics of depression, and then let us look at a solution.
1. Sadness
First of all, you are able to see signs that your spouse is depressed when he or she appears sad all the time. This is an ongoing sadness. No matter what you do, you cannot seem to cheer up your spouse. All the old things that brought happiness and laughter do not work anymore.
2. Tiredness
Not only can you see prolonged sadness. In addition, you can see prolonged tiredness in a spouse who is depressed. We all get tired from time to time, but we can usually explain why. We can point to things out of the ordinary that we have done, or we can point to long periods of work; however someone who is experiencing serious depression may feel tired all the time--without normal explanations for that condition.
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3. Anger
Besides sadness and tiredness, you also can see prolonged anger in a husband or wife who is going through depression. Those individuals may not be able to explain, even to themselves, why they are angry all the time. (This may not fit every case of depression, but many times it does.)
4. Withdrawal
We all like some solitude from time to time, but a seriously depressed person can move more and more into a state of withdrawal. These people get to where they don't want to be around anyone from the outside, and they may get to where they will withdraw from you too.
5. Understand and Encourage to Get Help
Having seen the signs of prolonged sadness, tiredness, anger and withdrawal, you really need to be sensitive to what is going on with your spouse. If you react wrongly, you will probably compound the situation.
These four signs that your spouse is depressed are serious enough to give you cause for concern.
Be understanding of your spouse. He or she does not even know why this is happening. Without creating sparks and raising defensiveness, in a calm manner, begin to talk to your husband or wife about the situation. When he or she comes to the point of admitting that he (she) is depressed and that he (she) does not seem to be able to improve things on his (her) own, suggest that he (she) receive professional help. All the while, being understanding (to the best of your ability) while you suggest this.
If he or she agrees, you may see a dramatic recovery. Is this something that can save marriage--specifically, your marriage? It can be.
We now have seen that observing prolonged sadness, tiredness, anger and withdrawal will help you to learn how to know if your spouse is depressed. Then after that, you can take steps to deal with the situation.
Warning: Only reading about these signs just isn't enough. You'll have to act.
Get all the details you can to to help maintain and enrich your marriage.
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If you are desperately searching for a way to save your marriage, then you should first realize that you are not alone in that situation. You are not the first person to ever seek an answer, nor are you the first person to experience marital rough patches. Whatever you are going through, whether infidelity, constant nitpicking, lies, money troubles or issues with your children, you definitely are not the first.
The minute you realize there are problems in your marriage, then that is the first step in the right direction. If you definitely want to give your marriage one last try, there are some effective tips that I can share with you for perfecting any marriage, no matter the length of it or whether or not one partner is on board.
1. Stop casting blame on your partner.
Whether or not you are convinced that your partner is the problem in your union, remember that it takes two to build or break. Therefore, both of you should work with each other to improve the state of your marriage. Let us look at cheating as an example. If you found that your spouse was unfaithful, you would start to wonder why they did that and want makes the other person so much better than you. Perhaps your spouse no longer enjoyed your companionship as much as in the past. Now have you done everything humanly possible to work through this particular issue?
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2. You should not only talk with your partner but also listen.
Do you always take enough time to listen to what your partner says? I bet that more often than not, you ignore or just do not pay attention to what he or she is saying. Whether or not you are having a rotten day or you are awfully busy, you definitely have to understand how your partner feels and where they are coming from.
3. A healthy marriage does not come naturally -- it must be fostered.
Fostering your relationship means you need to spend quality time with each other. This includes taking getaways, doing activities, going on outings or participating in small acts of kindness to one another. These simple yet effective gestures can change the tone in your relationship for good and keep your marriage intact.
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When it comes to the question of how to tell if your marriage is in trouble, your instinct is at the top of the list. Both men and women generally can sense when something has shifted in their relationship with their spouse. Unfortunately it's easy to fall into the pattern of thinking that it's simply a passing phase and whatever is the root problem will resolve itself in time. That's rarely the case and if you don't address the problems in your relationship you may find yourself having to deal with the end of your marriage in the form of a painful divorce. If you understand and recognize the warning signs of a marriage in trouble you stand a much better chance of fixing the problems before it's too late.
What if your spouse already left you? Here's how to get them back.
One of the clear warning signs that you're headed for divorce is a big shift in the way you and your spouse communicate with one another. If you two have gone from sharing just about everything with one another, to barely saying hello, your relationship is falling apart. Many couples struggle with a conflict that becomes the focal point for the entire marriage. If it's never resolved it seeps into every other area of the relationship. The conflict itself can cause the couple to stop communicating about everything. If this is the case in your marriage you need to find a way to resolve whatever issues are coming between you and your spouse. Compromise is generally the key to working through a problem like this.
One answer to the question of how to tell if your marriage is in trouble is you and your spouse stop spending time together. You can typically tell when a couple is beginning to drift apart because they spend more time alone than together. If your spouse is coming up with excuses why they need to be away from home more often or why they can't go along on family vacations, this isn't something you can ignore. A big part of a happy marriage is doing things together. Encourage your spouse to spend time with you by doing the things that he or she most enjoys doing. Whatever time you do spend together can be used to help rebuild the relationship even if it's just a nightly walk around the block together or a weekend away. Use whatever time you do have to work towards repairing your marriage and keeping your family together.
Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.
It would be wonderful if all marriages would end up with the fairy tale ending, "And they lived happily ever after." But, sadly, it doesn't always end up like Snow White and her prince dreamed about. Many times it ends in a bad way with separation and divorce. If your marriage is going through tough times and and you DON'T want to go through a divorce then read on and learn 3 powerful ways how to stop divorce.
1. Stop unceasingly dreaming of the future. If you find you are in a marriage that has started to go bad, it can be a difficult time. If you are constantly dreaming about better times, though, instead of living in the present, this can make the situation even worse. Nothing compares to a fantasy that you may have created or envisioned in your head.
By dreaming of the future and what could be, you are making what you do have of no value at all. For compared to your dream place "somewhere over the rainbow" whatever you have today isn't going to be good.
And in addition to this, living in dream world is simply a sedative, it makes you momentarily feel good but it doesn't help you fix any problems.
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To learn the killer, advanced strategies to save your marriage, simply click here!
2. If at first you don't succeed then try try again. After that do something new. Although you may feel that you have tried everything to improve your marriage, such as gave more space, spent more time together, or gave more presents, do not give up. Keep on trying. I know of lots of people who I truly thought that they really had "tried everything" to no avail. However, one of the spouses was determined to make it work today they are happily married. Find a way to remind your partner of why you two fell in love and what your dreams and goals were together. Many people believe in the old saying "Where there's a WILL there's a WAY".
3. Analysis paralysis. If you are looking for the PERFECT way to save your marriage and to stop your divorce you probably won't find an answer by just thinking about it and planning. There are a 3 things wrong about not doing anything while looking for that ideal solution to your marital problems.
(1) Things could get worse and worse until you things have completely fallen apart and there is not fixing up at all.
(2) You could get so overwhelmed with the possible solutions and in choosing the right one that you could end up getting discouraged and not implement any of them.
(3) Theoretical learning isn't as good as practical hands on learning. In order to implement what you have come up with for help, you need to do something and not just theorize.
Sadly, a lot of marriages end up in court and not "they lived happily after". If you want to know how to stop a divorce then follow the rules above; don't over analyze. If one of your ideas don't work then try something else. There are those that say that the only time you really fail, is when you stop trying altogether. If you want to stay married and work things out, you need to keep trying at it until you do. Be more focused on the present and not off in dream land and I'm sure that you will be able to stay married and be happy
Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause your spouse to feel even more distant from you. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again.
You don't have to worry about whether your spouse is on the brink of asking you for a divorce. You can control the situation and use specific techniques to naturally make them fall hopelessly in love with you.
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There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Save The Marriage to find out more.
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