CBD may be a popular wellness trend, but that doesn’t mean it’s just for hip, young people. In fact, many of the people with the greatest potential to benefit from these products are older, disabled, or otherwise on the margins. Because CBD oil can provide pain relief, minimize nausea and vomiting, and treat anxiety and depression, it’s been well-received by people from all walks of life.

Not sure if CBD is right for you? These are just a few of the groups that can significantly benefit from CBD products.

Older Adults

It might seem strange to suggest that grandma and grandpa should consider using CBD, but the research is in, and there’s clear evidence that seniors can benefit from CBD - and in more ways that one. For example, CBD can reduce aging-related pain, like arthritis, may improve heart health, and may even improve bone healing. Since older adults often suffer from osteoporosis, which can cause their bones to break easily, bone health is a top priority, and a surprising benefit of CBD.

Cancer Patients

Cancer patients were among the first groups that medical marijuana products were approved for, and over the years, breeders have developed strains that are ideal for managing chemotherapy-related symptoms. One of these, the T1 hemp strain, helps relieve pain and nausea, and the flowers are ideal for smoking, or can be used to make extracts. The strain has a sweet, fruity smell that also makes it very pleasant to smoke.

Chronic Insomniacs

Most people struggle to get to sleep at least occasionally, but those with serious insomnia often spend night after night staring at the ceiling, experimenting with different interventions, and wandering sleepily through their days. This isn’t just frustrating, but it can also have serious health consequences, increasing the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and other problems over time. Luckily, many people report better, more regular sleep when taking CBD, allowing them to be fully present during the day.

Recovering Addicts

The “Just Say No” campaigns of the Reagan era had such a lasting impact on American society as to have created significant concerns around marijuana - and for some, those concerns have gone on to taint CBD products, which don’t produce a “high.” This is a serious disservice to those recovering from more dangerous addictions, such as heroin and opioid abuse, as CBD may help reduce drug dependence. Some recovery experts believe that widespread use of CBD could significantly help mitigate the consequences of the opioid epidemic.

Depression Patients

Anxiety and depression are very common issues, and while some people do well on SSRIs and other conventional treatments, many experience a variety of side effects. For these individuals, CBD may provide a mood boost, easing anxiety, reducing stress, and generally improving quality of life.

CBD may not be a cure all, but it is a valuable treatment for a variety of ailments. And because it works in concert with our natural endocannabinoid receptors, our bodies are primed to respond. Like other health decisions, whether or not you choose to try CBD is a personal choice, but it’s one with few risks and a lot of potential benefits.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Jessica and I am an independent journalist, freelance blogger, and technology junkie with a passion for music, arts, and the outdoors. One of my greatest passions and joy is assisting communities and business owners. My utmost desire is to help people and business owners to succeed and prosper in their personal and business affairs. I share, comment, write and edit popular news stories.