Cancer is devastating. It’s a terrible disease that ends the lives of millions and ruins the lives of our families and friends.
My family have been affected and it’s made me think about lots of things I would maybe not of had to think about. In a strange way, via a mixture of fear and anger its motivated me to, help the people closest to me more and further improve my health, for now and for the future.
I thought twice about writing an article about this very sensitive, and for me personally, emotional topic.
It could be said that some of the content is controversial but it’s not that I’m so concerned about.
I don’t want to upset anyone, especially my family, friends or you readers. Cancer can get us very emotional, especially if someone says the wrong thing at the wrong time.
If you are personally going through it right now yourself or a loved one, you may decide its better not to read this right now, for lots of reasons.
Today I will attempt to tread carefully and sensitively and I will share some of what I have learned through my family’s experiences and what I have researched so that others may benefit.
Nearly all of us get affected by cancer in some shape or form during our lives and yet we still haven’t found a reliable cure.
There are so many different types of cancers and it’s a very complex area, BUT some people are beating it and then going cancer free for many years to come.
So many success stories.
But officially we still can’t find out how to cure it.
There has to be an answer for the many and not the few. (I pray)
Some of the things that mankind have managed to accomplish has been astounding, all of the technology that has been created is mind blowing yet this cure still evades us, as do many others.
In order to find the cure for cancer researchers need to really find out, and agree, on what cancer actually is.
Easier said than done.
Some people think cancer is a gene issue.
Cancer is different from all other diseases which makes it so difficult to control.
It can affect different parts of the body and it can spread throughout the whole body as the cancer cells replicate out of control.
Cancers are thought to be mutating cells.
What triggers the mutation?
It’s thought that cancer triggers are thought to include – genetic factors, lifestyle factors (diet, smoking, alcohol, exercise), infections and environmental exposure to toxic chemicals.
Others believe it’s caused triggered by nutritional deficiencies or chronic inflammation and acidity.
In this week’s article I’m going to discuss a few different theories about the cure for cancer, all from respected sources, but none widely accepted as of yet.
(Below I use the term “theory” loosely, more of an approach)
Cancer Is a Fungus Theory? Dr Tullio Simoncini
It has not yet been widely accepted by the medical profession, but the first theory on how to cure cancer is based on the assumption that cancer is a fungus.
I was introduced to some of the work by an Italian doctor called Tullio Simoncini by Phil Richards (a nutritional expert).
Simoncini’s research has led him (and now a lot of other people too) to believe that cancer is a fungus caused by a yeast like organism known as Candida.
You may have heard of it, you can get tested by your GP or get a test done yourself for £50-60, they are available online.
Normally the immune system is able to keep candida under control but when candida changes into a strong fungus, health problems, maybe cancer will soon occur, suggests Simonicini.
Simonicini used sodium bicarbonate (an anti-fungal and alkalising agent) to treat many cancer sufferers successfully. If we wanted to take a similar product to protect ourselves, it’s best not to take baking soda, although they are similar, use ALKALISING SALTS.
I will quickly give you a bit of general information about fungus and what it is.
Fungi is the primary tool used by nature to return living things to the basic elements they were made with.
Fungi help the rotting process and the breakdown of the tissue, so this means that some people who have massive candida growth, are literally “rotting from the inside out”, their bodies are eating themselves.
Scary thought.
Fungal spores are literally everywhere and can get into our body in a variety of different ways, most easily via our food and the air we breathe.
We are normally able to cope with this but when the immune system isn’t working to its full potential and the body isn’t well oxygenated then these fungal spores can begin to grow.
?Did you know? – People who smoke for example are inhaling fungal spores with every cigarette which can obviously lead to lung cancer.
Mike Lambert a doctor from the Isle of Wight had this to say about Candida:
‘Fungus, and Candida in particular, thrive by eating the body of its host (yours) by dissolving it. It also needs your body to breed, as it can’t do this on its own. ‘
Simoncini believes that cancer is not caused by cellular malfunction like most people believe but it is down to a Candida fungal infection which the body simply cannot control.
Simoncini in 1983 treated a man who was given just months to live due to lung cancer.
Simoncini cured him, he said, he then believed this would be the big breakthrough, but in this instance realised how corrupt the medical organisations were. The authorities refused to approve his findings and he was banned from the Italian Medical Order for curing someone of cancer!
Interestingly Milton White, MD called cancer ‘A chronic, infectious, fungal disease’. During this research White found fungal spores in every sample of cancer tissue he studied.
I have heard of doctors describe cancerous tumors as having tentacle like “spores” myself.
Is cancer a fungus? The similarities I see are: they both have spores and they both feed on glucose and work anaerobically, so they have some similarities that’s for sure. That maybe so, but the experts can not agree, so we will have to wait and see what unfolds in the future.
It may be that certain fungi can trigger certain cancers.
Acid & Alkaline PH Theory by Dr Otto Warburg
The second theory I want to cover today of that of a scientist called Otto Warbug.
Dr. Otto Warburg, winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize for his studies in cell respiration, believed that a person’s level of health and vitality has a direct correlation to the levels of oxygen in his or her blood stream.
He carried out research proving that viruses, bacteria and cancer cells can not survive in an oxygenated environment.
He also said that disease thrives in an acidic or low oxygen environment.
Dr Otto Warburg also found that alkaline bodies absorb up to 20 times more oxygen than acidic bodies.
This theory would suggest an alkaline diet would be very useful in the prevention of cancer.
If we wanted to speed up the process of becoming alkaline, as Dr Warburg suggests in his research, you can take a supplement which I have already recommended many times before. Alkalising Salts
(So that’s two theories which basically recommend the benefits of being alkaline as oppose to acid.)
If you want your PH levels tested to see if you are acid or alkaline you can buy PH testing strips cheap online for about £10.
Chronic Inflammation & Vitamin C Theory by Linus Pauling
Having low levels of vitamin C or “scurvy” over a long period of time can cause massive inflammation throughout the body, leading to many illnesses including cancer.
Linus Pauling, who is the only person to have won TWO (unshared) nobel prizes, probably the greatest American scientist of all time, believed that MEGA doses of vitamin C can cure heart disease, cancer and infections.
A high dose is considered above 2000mg a day, some people I know take more like 5000mg a day, but this is NOT advisable for the majority of us, side effects include diarrhoea!
You should take vitamin C regularly throughout the day, work out a high ish dose which will work for you 500-2000mg a day.
To back up the vitamin C theory, a very large number of studies have shown that increased consumption of fresh fruits is associated with a reduced risk for most types of cancer.
This also ties in with the PH theory, as acidic tissue is often found to lead to inflammation and inflammation can lead to chronic inflammatory conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and stroke.
Can you see the link, it is a bit complicated, but when your body gets chronically inflamed from the internal environment having low oxygen and having acidic tissue, eventually this will lead to many problems and maybe even cancer.
(This still does not explain why some babies are born with cancer, it is suggested that this is caused by environmental toxins they are exposed to during pregnancy.)
You should know all of these cancer “theories” (Acid & Alkaline, Fungus, Vitamin C) have been ridiculed at some point and still have not been accepted in the mainstream medical profession or widely adopted as of yet.
Interesting all the same.
So What are the Solutions?
Most of these initial solutions are based on a logical common sense approach, to help prevent cancer.
Chemotherapy(and other such treatments) can cure it.
As we have already suggested, sort your lifestyle out and cut out toxins.
Use anti fungal supplements, other substances which have proved effective in treating fungal infections, which in theory should help to treat cancer include sesame oil, apple cider vinegar and aloe vera.
Follow an alkaline diet or use alkalising salts, encouraging the PH of the body to increase, thus reducing inflammation.
In order to be more alkaline then you should eat a diet rich in foods like good fats, green leafy vegetables, herbs and spices and organic high quality meats.
Take a high dose vitamin C to protect against inflammation.
Reduce stress. The stresses of modern day life can be another thing that harms our immune system, so de-stressing will also help.
The more stress free, relaxed and healthy we are the less chance we have of getting sick generally.
Immune system. In order to fight off cancer we need to maintain a strong immune system.
Chemotherapy does cures cancer. But the thing that destroys our immune system the most is CHEMOTHERAPY!
Wait! So the cancer comes from a weak immune system and our best defence mechanism against cancer destroys our immune system?
Yes its confusing isn’t it.
Chemotherapy kills cells, the hope of chemotherapy is it kills the cancer cells before the patient, which it mostly does. Chemotherapy literally takes you to the brink of death.
It’s very aggressive but it saved my Dad and it’s saved many others.
This is one of the reasons that so many people who survive cancer suffer it again, the immune system is so weak from the chemotherapy to fight anything.
Our immune system comes under attack daily due to certain lifestyle choices that some we make. So step one, as always, is to sort out the lifestyle.
So many people in the world lead unhealthy lifestyles, at some point down the line they will become ill if they don’t change their ways, please don’t be one of them.
Cancer is a very difficult subject to talk about but it is such a horrible thing that awareness needs to be raised.
Thanks for reading,
Richard Clarke
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