Willing to Dream Your Dream?
The joyful 2019 has arrived! As a universal 3 year, it will be a year of fun. Allow your dream, your passion to direct your endeavours. Be lighter, more free-spirited, creatively expressive and putting play into our work, relationships, finances, health and wellbeing.
The Energy of Your Words….
It is though also a year of preparation as we breathe life into our most precious dreams. For many it will seem like a re-birth.
The key themes are creativity, communication and collaboration. The number 3 carries a lightness and confidence you have not felt for years! The number 3 is associated with the mouth – the throat chakra.
Which means the words we use will be vital to how we navigate 2019. As they carry energy, so words create.
To support you here is a link to a short YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHWuW3PWmPI&feature=youtu.be) I made about Secret #5 – “Why do I have trouble speaking up?”. You will also find a link to a free download of the chapter from The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony.
In fact every word in every language spoken across the Earth has its own energy signature.
According to Dr. Masaru Emoto, words are alive and can influence even the shape water molecules take. And, upto 60% of the human body is, yes, water!
The words you use “pre-programme” your brain to notice events and information around you that support the language you use.
Therefore when using hateful, limiting, dismissive words, you are programming your brain to notice events in your external world which match those words.
Similarly, when using empowering, loving, abundant words, you are programming your brain to be aware of events that match those words.
January is a 13 universal month… which can bring about major transformation and expansive breakthroughs. It wants you to be dedicated to yourself, to re-discover your original spark.
Do You Know Your Gifts?
Changing the words you use to describe your life is vital to change your life. It is an essential first step to doing so.
Which is why I suggest to clients they eliminate – “try to”, “might”, “hope to” etc. from their vocabulary.
Why is this important? Because 2019 is governed by Capricorn, the mountain goat. So in being nimble, courageous, alert and climbing that mountain you will succeed.
Capricorn symbolises leadership, courage, power. In astrology it governs the 10th house, which is about your divine mission, career and public standing.
The goat is questioning – how you are managing your gifts and turning them into services you are offering the world to enhance and expand it – being the purposepreneur?
For we are living in the idea economy. The pace of growth of online business means it is now possible for anyone to reach anyone else online.
And, guess what? There is a huge market for your ideas. And your stories. It just needs your dream!
The internet means you have the power to create a relationship direct with the people who want to pay for the ideas and the stories in your head.
Though we must be authentic with ourselves, speaking our truth not that of others. If not, then you will struggle during 2019.
It also means if you have yet to identify how to use your abilities, gifts and skills, you really need to. This energy is a powerful call to action for us all.
Thought About Creating Your Own Business?
It will require commitment and discipline to match the dream to taking the de-liberate action to bring it into creation.
Benefiting from its energies is going to require you to let go of your old stories so you can de-liberately create what you desire.
2019 has five eclipses, three in Capricorn. The first early in the morning (UTC) of 6th January. This new moon partial solar eclipse is positioned between Saturn and Pluto, providing urgency to express your passion (Pluto) in form (Saturn).
This new moon and partial solar eclipse in Capricorn is about establishing long term objectives for your career. Meaning it is very supportive of starting or growing a business – Capricorn oversees enterprise, as well as improving your public image. The effects of a solar eclipse last six months.
Which means this is the moment to give yourself permission to dream. Use your imagination to day dream about what else is possible for your life.
Your imagination, stimulates your brain to create neurotransmitters that generate an emotional response which, in turn, stimulates the electro-magnetic field in your heart (the true source of the Law of Attraction). This then draws into your life experiences that match your emotions.
Do You Have Your Vision?
During an eclipse, like the lucid dream, we may have a sudden feeling of hyperawareness – we could do anything!! At best, the effect of a solar eclipse can amplify insights gained from a balanced left and right brain.
A solar eclipse is also very good at showing up any imbalances within you. It aims to balance our left and right brain hemispheres and therefore consciousness so that you are not lopsided.
And…need more support to tell a different story, identifying how to use your gifts, creating in a more deliberate and empowered way, learning how to interrupt the patterns that you may feel stuck in? I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Email me by clicking on the Contact tab (https://gregoryreecesmith.com/contact/) to explore possibilities.
By way of a backdrop, 2019´s energy of re-structuring is building upto an event in Capricorn which has not been experienced since 1518. It culminates in mid- January 2020. Beginning a run into the September 2040 conjunction.
Referred to as the 2040 Golden Conjunction, this marks the tipping point of a new era for Earth – a universal humanity.
Also on 6th January Uranus moves direct in Aries. Then all the planets will be in forward motion. Making this the moment to forge ahead with your intentions without too many obstacles or delays.
It will help us appreciate freedom more than ever before!
Create Your Own Rules to….
Very often I come across people who do not have the commitment and discipline to meet their dreams. They are stuck in the trap of being so busy taking all the actions they think they need to do to be successful. Whilst also feeling it is never enough or they are so tired of not achieving the results they want or need to succeed.
Capricorn is going to provide a solution! It is encouraging us all to create our own set of rules, independent of all paradigms you have been brought up with.
These personal rules will help you make all decisions, large and small without falling prey to the temptations and distractions surrounding us every day. They will support you to be productive, conscious and help you align with your own mission, your destiny.
For Capricorn is also about rules, planning, organisation and rituals. So follow your own not anyone else´s!
As is making sure your vision, the outcomes you seek for 2019 are in alignment with who you are and what you genuinely want. Declare your why and use it as a doorway for what 2019 unfolds. Focus and re-commit to your vision, taking action to create it. If not……..
You Change Your Life
My last free five day challenge achieved such meaningful changes for its participants, I am offering it again. “Make 2019 The Year You Change Your Life” starts on 19th January, taking in the next eclipse on the 21st.
There are only 30 places in this challenge – to secure your spot simply click on the “Change Your Life” link (https://www.gregoryreecesmith.com/join-conscious-business-tribe-change-y...) and register. You will then be invited to book a quick 15 minute call with me to confirm you are a good fit – its purpose is to confirm you really desire to change your life and so not waste your precious time whilst preventing someone else from making the change.
Access Your Inner Realms….
Our next event is 9th January with Constellations to Harmony. Do you feel held back by past events, desire to have a life of freedom? Want to change the Constellation your beliefs have created around you, this one day workshop led by Ebo Boerema focuses on shifting what you no longer desire. Are you ready to take action to do so or prefer to be pushed?
This will be followed on 16th and 17th February by Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism.
A full list of our events can be found on Shamanics in Portugal´s Facebook page as well as web site - www.shamanicsinportugal.com.
January´s Second Eclipse
21st January brings a total lunar eclipse in Leo. The third consecutive full moon at zero degrees – each asking us to write a new chapter of our mission. Hence the theme of know what is your dream!
The astrology of this eclipse is most affected by Uranus. A challenging square aspect to this planet of uncertainty and rebellion brings change, though also opportunity.
Its erratic and unpredictable energy will create unexpected events and news. Likely to cause anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Life may seem more hectic and fast paced than before.
Patience, self-control, adaptability and an open mind will help you take advantage of the new opportunities that appear from these unexpected conditions. Otherwise, impulsive reactions, rapid mood swing and mis-communication could cause reaction and turmoil.
As to the key themes for 2019 of creativity, communication and collaboration. The latter is about accepting we are never alone and create more through collaboration, especially when working with our connection.
To Creating Your Dream
Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life, Shamanic coach, Speaker.
Follow me on: https://twitter.com/grs2030.
P.S. If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.
Gregory Reece-Smith MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony (http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry). He helps executives and entrepreneurs grow their business, though from the perspective of a shaman. His purpose is to create harmony by shifting the beliefs that limit their lives and thus their business. Accessing insights to guide them to do so.
He was the CEO of a fast growing public company until he chose passion rather than position. It was learning to listen to the messages from his body which led him to write The Seven Secrets.
He has worked in corporate, to leading technology companies worldwide; later mentoring fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Helping transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organisations.
His blog can be found at www.gregoryreecesmith.com/blog/.
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