I was walking to work the other day when I saw a group of young girls crossing the street. One of the girls said “I weigh like 110” and then the other “well I weigh like 120 Oh my god.” The other girl giggled and they continued to walk. I stood there for a second before I started to walk and I thought to myself, what leads young girls to think this way and how can we as health counselors, as parents, as older brothers, older sisters and even FRIENDS stop these thoughts of insecurity and self-unworthiness?
We can tell them how to eat right of course, that the type of food they put in their bodies will make them healthier and ultimately make them a happier person. Will it really make them happy though? Yes, they may look like their favorite model or singer on the cover of their favorite magazine, but does the outer appearance ultimately lead to inner happiness? Some may be reading this and say yes but in my opinion ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Inner beauty is the easiest thing for anyone to see if you know how to look for it. And I continue to notice that the younger generation of today, especially young girls struggling to find it, but when they do find their inner beauty there will be no stopping them from living a more fulfilling and self-confident life!
As you may know from my previous posts on wordpress or from my posts on Facebook inner beauty to me is one of the most important things that we should all try to notice. It only takes a minute to notice a great smile, an awesome sense of humor ( two of my favorite things ) a great personality, the list goes on. The message here is we are all BEAUTIFUL, young, old, fat, skinny…. We just have to know where to look, and that my friends is INSIDE.
Daniel Cohen is a Certified Holistic Wellness counselor, motivational speaker and body image consultant who works with men and women in 20's and 40 regain control of their health and well being. To learn more about how you can improve your health and happiness and find ways to decrease your inflammation please contact me at the email address or phone number provided below to set up a complimentary Wellness session.
Daniel Cohen, CHHC
DJC Health Counseling
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