Most people get by with just enough money to pay their bills, splurge on a toy once in a while and take a yearly vacation. Many business owners want more than this but settle for less. They focus too much of their time on lame marketing and putting out fires.
There is a practice that could turn all of this in your favor if you do it consistently. It’s more like a game and it can be super fun. It will increase your ability to attract higher profits if you have your own business. And if you are unemployed, or happily employed, you will attract unexpected income from the most interesting places.
There is no risk and you have unlimited possibility. Ready?
Start saying YES. That’s the game.
When you think about equipment, staff or marketing you want to invest in but it seems financially out of reach, say yes. Dying to hire a mentor or coach, say YES.
Are you craving a rockstar vacation, say YES. Would you be happy to sock away more money in the kids’ college funds or your retirement each month? Just say YES!
Now, at this moment you may be feeling a huge disconnect to the last paragraph. You’re thinking, “How the heck am I supposed to say yes to something that I don’t have the money for?”
I know. I know. I hear ya.
This game will confront every money gremlin you have. But it works.
It works because if you make a true decision to say YES to the thing that financially seems out of reach, it will become within reach. Vibrationally, your emotions will react as if the thing you want to spend money on is happening. As you move toward the thing, the Universe will serve up the resources to pull it off.
This is exactly how I bought my BMW M3. As soon as I test drove the car, I knew it was mine. I had no idea the cost of the car or what I’d need to have for a down payment. I gulped when they told me. I thought, “I have no idea how to pull this off but I must have this car!”
Within twenty-four hours I figured out a way to get the down payment. Every month after that I paid a hefty car payment (bigger than my house rent!) and it was never late. That BMW is still my baby and it’s been paid off for years!
Before I said YES to that car, it looked like a stupid financial decision in the moment. There was no extra income to support the purchase. But as I thought about the car with extreme enthusiasm, solutions began popping. And the Universe served up the income to make it happen because I was so clear that nothing would stand between that car and me.
I’ve used the same process to buy a home, a boat, hire amazing coaches and team members. The YES has to happen in your mind first. Do the emotional work on this until you feel excited to go for it. Don’t worry about HOW yet.
Once you are stoked to go for it, you can then make the inquiries to the necessary people. Make sure the thing you’re buying or investing in is ideal. Again, affirm your internal YES!
Then allow the Universe to serve you up the HOW. These things can’t be rushed. The financial solution to my car came within hours. My house took longer. I had more fear about the home, so it took me longer to get 100% aligned with the belief that somehow I could afford a home with a water view.
I didn’t have money saved for either of these purchases. I usually don’t. I’d like to, but I often get a whim about buying something and go for it without prior planning. One of the drawbacks of my behavioral style. ;-)
You can spend a whole month just practicing saying YES to everything you want and not spending a dime. You’re saying YES but you don't need to take any action until you feel totally inspired and in perfect timing. Your mental mind has no business in this game.
It’s the virtual game of YES! The Universe doesn’t care if you have the new Mac or not. It’s just responding to how you feel. If you think, I can have whatever I want, the Universe says YES back to you. It doesn’t care if you’re broke or wealthy. It responds to emotion. If you think, “I have to say NO to what I want, because I don’t have the money to invest,” then you’ll be right. You won’t.
Yes, baby, YES! It’s a fun game and a life changer. Try it, you’ll like it.
Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur:
Biz Building CD.
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