If you haven't been to court, then you are probably clueless about the people who work in it. Often times, people are scared to step a foot inside the court but if you are an applicant who is seeking for a job then you need to have a court clearance to prove that you are a good citizen and no charges are filed against you. It is a mandatory requirement for companies before they hire an individual and ask a court clearance from them to ensure that they are hiring a good person. So it isn't that scary right? The office is not exclusive for criminals.

The Supreme Court of the Philippines is the highest and acts as the head of the lower courts. In every town there is a Municipal Trial Court and in every province there is a Regional Trial Court. Basically the MTC is the smallest branch and the employees include the Judge, Clerk I, Clerk II, Court Interpreter, Stenographer I, Stenographer II, maximum of three, Process Server and the Utility. So each court has a process server.

Who are the Process Servers and what is Process Service?

Process servers are court employs who deliver court documents, it includes subpoena, legal documents, complaints, writs, summons and other legal papers issued by court. You won't see them as much in the office because they are always on the field and delivering the legal documents. What they do is called process service. It can be done on several ways like personal service, service by mail, nail and mail and service by publication.

Legal documents must be delivered on time, those who are involved in a case – the defendant and accused, must have the pertinent papers before the hearing takes place. It must not be delayed for the process servers will take an account for it. Neglect of duty is punishable by law, Under Section 23, Rule XIV of the Omnibus Civil Service Rules and Regulations, process servers who were not able to deliver the documents on time will have to face the consequence of suspension for a month or even 1day – 6 months on the first offense. Although, the involved personnel can pay a fine charged onto him instead of dealing with the suspension. The court finds the amount P5,000.00 as a reasonable amount as fine to those who neglected their duty. Nobody can escape from the law, even court employees cannot walk away from it, they will have to face the punishment once they are proven liable.

It may sound as an easy job but being a process server is a difficult task that requires dedication and patience. Why? Because the party being accused are not easy to find. They hide or make up stories and other delaying tactics to be able to run away. Process servers are aware of this fact and they must do something to be able to reach that person and hand them the documents. If in case they cannot find the person, the process server is allowed to make 3 attempts, in different dates and if he still failed to do his duty because the defendant is avoiding him, then that is the only time his reasons will be accepted by the court. Both parties must receive notifications or invitations before the hearing can pursue and it is important for the process server to do deliver the legal documents on time.

Looking for a process server in the Philippines? Here's an article that discusses process service and process servers. Learn more about the services, duties and responsibilities of a process server.

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For more details about Philippine Process Servers visit http://scannerlegalservices.net/.