I'm Having A Panic Attack For No Reason: How To Control Your Panic Attacks
One of the very best ways to control panic attacks is to change the way you breathe.
This "retraining" of your breathing can lead to many positive effects if you currently live with anxiety or panic disorders, including the elimination of unpleasant physical symptoms, decreased nervousness, decreased depression, and even complete elimination of panic attacks.
So, why can changing one little thing like breathing help in so many different ways?
There are a couple of reasons. First, you will correct the oxygen/carbon dioxide imbalance you probably have at the moment (most people with severe anxiety suffer this imbalance due to years of shallow breathing - a result of being nervous and on the edge of panic for so long). And the second reason that this breathing change can have so many benefits is because correct breathing leads to increased calmness and relaxation.
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So, let's get to the good stuff. How do you "retrain" yourself to breathe correctly?
It's simple.
A few times a day, you're going to force yourself to breathe correctly (I'll tell you how in a moment). To begin with, this will feel awkward and you'll have to concentrate to get it right. But after a few days of doing this your body will begin to develop a "breathing memory," and even when you're not doing the retraining exercises you will be breathing as you should be.
Here's the exercise for you to do, a few times each day.
Sit upright in a chair. Place your hand on your stomach. Breathe in for 4 seconds. While you breathe in, slowly press your stomach out against your hand. Now breathe out for 4 seconds. While you breathe out, let your stomach flatten again under your hand. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes, a few times a day.
This is how you are supposed to breathe, but most people with anxiety don't breathe like this. Soon, you will retrain your body to breathe this way even when you're not doing the exercise.
This will reduce your day-to-day anxiety greatly, and as a bonus, it's one of the very best ways to control panic attacks. Give this exercise a try!
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover practical methods to get through frightening panic attacks and eliminate anxiety in a safe, effective, and natural way... and rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks permanently! You won't find out about this anywhere else. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here!
Funny thing happened today, I had a flashback to the days of suffering through an anxiety disorder and I made a very important distinction between how my thought process was then, compared to how my thought process is now. Back then I allowed people to show me how to think in my day to day life, friends who were quick to share an opinion and their emotional attachment to any give situation dictated the meaning I placed to everything, mostly negative. For 6 years during my anxiety disorder my brain was rented out to others to fill with whatever they thought was correct, and through those suggestions and emotions I found myself numb, unable to think for myself anymore and taking action not through my own research and experience, but mainly because of other peoples life experiences. I lived my life the way millions of others live their lives today, and that was to do everything I could to avoid what I feared most in life. What a crummy way to live, never really reaching the full potential we have to give more in our relationships, our career, our LIVES due to thinking of what danger could potentially appear around the corner.
Learn How I Used 3 Simple Techniques To Stop Panic & Anxiety Attacks
The greatest philosopher of our time is someone you might know quite well growing up, his name is Winnie The Pooh. Winnie always had a way of seeing the positive opposite in any situation of what his shy and fearful friend Piglet did. I remember one particular episode growing up when Winnie and Piglet were out having a walk-about at night, when this thunderous storm struck and Piglet completely overwhelmed with fear asking Winnie 'what if the winds got so strong that a tree fell on us, or lightning struck us?' Winnie as always weighing both sides of the possible outcome replying "what if it didn't?' What if Winnie The Pooh accepted only the possibility of what Piglet thought at that moment? How would their relationship be different, and how would Winnie The Pooh's life in general be different, if that cycle of emotionally attaching himself to Piglets feared beliefs happened consistently? If you were curious about how the episode ended, Winnie and Piglet made it home safe.
Avoiding fear doesn't drive my life anymore, and it shouldn't run yours either. Easier said then done I agree, but consistently changing your focus to the other side of what might come to be in any give situation, as well as changing what drives you from avoidance of what you fear to directing it to what you want, will have a huge impact on all aspects of your life.
You can't breathe, your thoughts are racing, and you might even feel like you're having a heart attack. You've tried medication, but it's not working like it used to--or it never worked at all. You can't stand the anxiety and panic any more, and you want a solution that works: Click Here
Finally... Easy natural anxiety remedies & simple ways to eliminate your chest-crushing anxiety and get your life back... Visit How to Get Rid of Anxiety
If you are unclear about whether or not you are a potential acute anxiety and panic attack sufferer, you will be by the end of this article. This write up promises to clear your doubts concerning the possibility of your being at risk of suffering from acute anxiety and panic attacks. Let us begin...
Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks: What are they?
Accompanied by a drastic change in the behavioral pattern of the sufferer, acute anxiety and panic attacks are categorized under psychiatric dysfunctions. Statistics reveal that many sufferers of acute anxiety and panic attacks experience an attack at least once during the course of their lifetime while a few have actually experienced these acute anxiety and panic attacks numerous times. In fact, predictably, 1.7% of adults living in the United States of America alone have one form of acute anxiety and panic attack or another! It has been discovered that most of these people generally had/have these within their early adulthood prior to the age of Twenty-five. Also discovered was that those people who developed acute anxiety and panic attacks were, more often than not, those who have experienced a variety of incidents that were shocking. These findings also indicated that females are about 2 times more susceptible to developing acute anxiety and panic attacks than males.
Acute anxiety and panic attacks can last for a span which vacillates from a couple of minutes to hours; although it is generally brief. People who are experiencing acute anxiety and panic attacks are often times moody and quiet. This is so because the sufferers are afraid or extremely worried, they always see these periods of time to be the most scary periods in their lives - some even say "...since they were born!" During an acute anxiety and panic attack, the sufferer's feeling include:
- A very strong urge to run away from the location where the panic attack began.
- A feeling of loss of control.
But what is actually occurring is a condition known as the "flight or fight" response. This is how your sympathetic nervous system responds to your acute anxiety and panic attacks.
What Are The Causes Of Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks?
Acute anxiety and panic attacks can be caused by various physical and psychological reasons. These reasons can be interwoven. Below are a few causes of acute anxiety and panic attacks.
- Childhood influences (memory of a bad childhood experience etc)
- Personality traits (anxious, attempting to meet high expectations of yourself etc)
- Unstable blood sugar levels can be the result of poor eating habits, dieting and fasting.
- Over-breathing (hyperventilation) happens when you are under stress.
- Digestive problems, particularly food allergies, may be to blame.
- Taking antidepressants, particularly the newer ones, may produce panic attacks, especially at first.
- Being in chronic pain can be another cause of panic attacks, as can simple jet lag.
- Other causes include drugs such as mushrooms or marijuana, feelings of insecurity and "what if" thinking.
- Also, long-term acute anxiety and panic attacks can be an off shoot of environmental factors or could be hereditary.
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What Are The Indications Of Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks?
The indications of acute anxiety and panic attacks can be divided into four very distinct groups:
1. Perceptual
- Dream-like sensations
- Time appearing to speed up or slow down
- Tunnel vision and heightened senses
2. Emotional
- Terror
- Various fears and flash backs triggered by an earlier episode
3. Mental
- Loss of control
- Impaired thinking ability in general
- Sense of imminent ruin
- Extreme nervousness
- Loud internal dialogue
4. Physical
- shortness of breath
- stomach pains
- chest pain
- sweating
- irrepressible itching
- crying
- claustrophobia
- choking sensations
- numbness
- exhaustion
- racing pulse
What Are Treatments For Acute Anxiety And Panic Attacks?
Although there are different treatments for acute anxiety and panic attacks exist, it is always advisable to seek the recommendations of a medical expert. It is also important to note here that there is no cure that can be tagged as the best - in fact most often acute anxiety and panic attack sufferers need a collection of therapies. The initial stages during the treatment of acute anxiety and panic attacks can be helped by the use of drugs but most sufferers of acute anxiety and panic attacks quickly come to the realization that drug usage only control the warning signs and do not proffer a cure. To make steady progress towards recovery, a lot of acute anxiety and panic attacks sufferers would be required to work on the faulty views and feelings that results in the condition in the first place.
To achieve this, sufferers would need the backing of a therapist. They would also need to purchase self-aid books and tapes. Immensely beneficial is the news that acute anxiety is not aggressive to life and also quite a large percentage of people go on to make a total recovery.
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While separation anxiety disorder can affect people of all ages it is more prominent in children. Children usually exhibit symptoms of separation anxiety disorder when they are separated from familiar surroundings and familiar people. Most children will experience separation anxiety at some point in time but if symptoms become severe they may actually have a disorder that is of more concern than normal separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety disorder is evident in the following events:
- Recurring distress when separated from a certain person in their life such as a mother, father, or spouse.
- Constant or obsessive worrying about losing the person they are attached to.
- Constant worrying about some event that might happen to separate them from the person they are attached to.
- Excessive fear about being left alone without the subject of their attachment.
- Reluctance about going to sleep unless their attachment is nearby.
- Having nightmares about being separated from that person.
There are some children who suffer from separation anxiety disorder that also suffer from attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder.
Separation anxiety is a normal event for children, especially those whose parents must leave them to go to work or when they begin school and are away from their parents. This is not the same as separation anxiety disorder. With separation anxiety disorder the condition becomes obsessive or compulsive. The reaction to certain events is much stronger than normal separation anxiety. The child with separation anxiety disorder may exhibit constant crying, shyness, silence, or an unwillingness to associate with others. Under normal circumstances these symptoms will go away on their own as soon as the child realizes that the situation is a normal part of life. For those who suffer from separation anxiety disorder those symptoms will exacerbate and get worse unless there is some sort of intervention.
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There are steps that adults can take to help deal with separation anxiety disorder. Have a babysitter come to your house to get to know the child before you leave the child alone with them. This will allow the babysitter to develop a relationship with the child so that the child does not feel he is being left with a stranger.
Keep the same babysitter instead of changing them constantly. This will allow the child to become comfortable with the babysitter and know what to expect.
In the beginning, only leave the child for short periods of time. You can gradually increase the time each day so that your child has time to adjust.
Keep some of your child's favorite toys or a familiar blanket with your child when you plan to leave him. This will give him some sense of security because he is familiar with his own things.
Practice the same way to say goodbye each time you must leave your child. If you always kiss your child and tell them you love them before you leave you should keep this same behavior up every day. This way your child will know that when you hug them and tell them you love them you are about to leave them for a while. Assure your child that you will return. Try to not be late picking them up because this could cause them unnecessary anxiety.
Former severe anxiety sufferer reveals the only holistic system that will show you how to treat your panic attacks and anxiety, regain your self confidence, and enjoy life without fear, using a unique 3-step method no one else will tell you about... Visit Cure Anxiety Attacks
If you are willing to make just a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can stop your panic attacks and enjoy your daily activities again, both alone and with your friends and family. To learn how you can stop your symptoms in a couple of steps and then prevent them from ever appearing again- Click Here
Now you can defeat social anxiety or extreme shyness to finally be as confident as you want to be....even if you are frustrated, hopeless and doubting you'll make any progress! Visit Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Still feeling that life is passing you by? Discover how to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks with two simple steps without paying for expensive therapy and without leaving your room... Visit How To Stop Anxiety
Imagine... A life free of the crippling fear of panic attacks! Discuss your anxiety problems on our forum. We can help you to start living your anxiety free life now! Go to: Anxiety Forum
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