I completed my first marathon back in 1999 and I remember calling my mom and saying to her, “Oh my gosh! I completed my first marathon! It’s such a victory! It’s so amazing!” And she’s like, “It is! It’s huge! It’s so amazing, congratulations!” And I said, “Yes, especially since my knee has been hurt ever since I was a young kid.” And she’s like, “Really? Your knee was hurt? How was your knee hurt?” And I’m like, “Mom, my knee, remember? I hurt it, and then I had to go to the hospital and then I couldn’t do PE anymore, remember all of that?” And she said, “I don’t think so.” And I was like, “My knee didn’t get hurt when I was little?” And she said, “No, your knee was not hurt when you were little.”

I literally had been living like I had hurt knee since I was, I don’t know, as long as I could possibly remember. I wonder what limitations you’re holding onto about yourself and about your life that aren’t even the truth. What if you begin to question everything, push the boundaries, and start to say to yourself, “Hmm. Maybe that isn’t true.”

I’ll give you another one. When I was 12 years old, I had a operation done in my right ear, and the man who completed the operation said, “You need to wear an earplug when you go in the water so you don’t hurt this ear that we just fixed.” And so I wore an earplug. Well, I wore an earplug until I was 36 years old. At 36 years old, I went back and I had some ear problems and I had the ear doctor check it out again and I said, “You know, I really would love to go do scuba diving, but I’m afraid. I have this earplug, would that work?” He looked at my ear and he literally said, “You don’t need to wear an earplug.” And I was like, “What? But I thought I needed to wear earplugs, I had the operation,” he just said, “Maybe you needed to wear an earplug for six months while it was healing, but that’s about it.” I wore an earplug from age 12 to age 36 because of this misinterpretation, this belief that isn’t truth. How about you? What have you been holding onto?

Matthew Ferry a Life Coach,The Life Coaching Company Matthew Ferry International offers life coaching, law of attraction and dozens of training products and seminars relating to the law of attraction to help you find your passion and love your life.Visit our sites http://www.matthewferry.com/

Author's Bio: 

That's where a life coach comes in. My specialty as a life coach is to help you make those decisions, and I would be honored to help you if that's appropriate.Matthew Ferry a Life Coach, The Life Coaching Company Matthew Ferry International offers life coaching, Life Coach Training, law of attraction and dozens of training products and seminars relating to the law of attraction to help you find your passion and love your life.