HPCL is now planning to increase and enhance its refining capacity with the placement of new grass root refineries in order to become a self-sufficient name. For meeting these challenges even the existing project team is also in the plan of augmentation with the recruitment of several engineers.

First position vacant is Rotary Engineer in Mechanical discipline. 15 positions are available in this line. The candidate should have experience in specification, selection as well as purchase of Rotating equipment like steam turbines, centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, and centrifugal & reciprocating compressors and so on. Next position is available for Mechanical Project Planning Engineer in the Mechanical field with 15 posts. The applicant should have industry experience on Project planning, general awareness on the activity duration and experience of great working with major consultants.

You can also apply for the position of Mechanical Design Engineer available in 15 seats requiring industry experience and skills on Piping and pressure vessels design. The candidate must also have awareness of standards, statutory, quality requirements, applicable codes, and metallurgy. Moreover, he/she should be able to deliver good notes on designing piping layouts, pressure vessels, stress analysis, make/review detailed fabrication drawings, and 3-D Models. If you have the eligibility in you, apply for the post of Mechanical Construction Engineer with 15 positions available. You should have experience in construction, structural, supervising fabrication, and installation of piping, heat exchangers, rotary equipments, pressure vessels, and columns. Moreover, be well versed with OISD guidelines & other statutory safety guidelines.

5 posts are available under Electrical Engineer category having experience in HT (upto 132 KW) and LT power distribution systems, HT/LT motors, area classifications, safety requirements, startup devices like relay settings, VFDs, and auto transformers. Again, 5 seats are available in Civil Construction Engineer and you should have experience in construction supervision for the civil works including grading, soil investigation, surveys, piling, equipment foundations, substations, pipe racks, culverts, roads, and proofing. For the post of Instrumentation Engineer 5 candidates will be selected with experience in DCS, analyzers, PLCs, measuring and control field instrumentation, field bus, and so on.

40 seats are available under the posts of Project Process Engineer in chemical area, and Production Engineer in chemical and petrochemical field. In B grade section, the candidate should have 4 years of experience and in C grade section; the candidates should have 7 years of experience. Moreover, the reservation of posts for the categories of SC, ST, OBC-NC & PWD (Persons with disabilities –with degree of disability 40% or above) are done according to government directives as applicable.

Author's Bio: 

Author Speak about Rojgar Samachar Preparation and motivate students to find Sarkari Naukri 2012 in Organization.