I watched a bit of the last Presidential debate. Up until the point where the debate morphed into one big interruption.

Interruptions intrude into political debates, marriage conversations (and other intimate activities if you have children at home), and your work flow.

How well do you deal with interruptions?

Implement into your work flow these three strategies for dealing well with interruptions and watch as your sales increase with greater productivity and you get out of the office earlier:

There is a line in the movie Pulp Fiction that goes something like this: “Are you really listening or just waiting to talk?”

As we really listen to each other, our eyes contact, our intellect and emotions connect, and we give full attention to the communication experience. An interruption-resistant bubble forms around us…if we’re really listening.

The common courtesy of listening isn’t so common these days with mobile technology’s immediacy ever in hand.

The path to extreme productivity lies in really listening to people and projects. When you listen, you focus intently and deflect interruptions.

Interruptions happen regardless of how well you listen. A client calls. A customer walks in. A team member has a question.

Locate your interruptions strategically. Establish appointments with yourself to return voice mail calls and emails. Create team meeting experiences and push others to jot down questions and bring them to that time.

When you must put out a fire, locate your place in the project or the conversation. Think of it as a bookmark, or dog-earing a page. Jot a post-it note. This simple act reduces your search time in getting back into the flow.

Sometimes an interruption is fortuitous. It intrudes with new information that is directly applicable to a person or project. Leverage it in that moment with gratitude.

Or, the interruption brings knowledge relevant to another task on your to-do list. Locate it for easy reference later. Make a quick note for later leverage and return to the person or project at hand. By doing so, you keep your current listening engaged, locate it readily when you’re ready, and leverage the interruption, transforming it from pain to profit.

Sure, interruptions happen daily. When you listen, locate, and leverage them, you implement your profitable actions with greater productivity while increasing sales so you leave the office earlier to do what you love with those you love.

You enjoy a Work Positive lifestyle!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Joey Faucette is the #1 Amazon best-selling author of Work Positive in a Negative World (Entrepreneur Press), coach, and speaker who helps business professionals increase sales with greater productivity so they can leave the office earlier to do what they love with those they love. Discover more at www.ListentoLife.org/speaking.