Learning how to write a short report can be one of the best and fastest ways to turbocharge your online business. It can also be a great way of creating a powerful online asset for you as well -- that being a large and responsive email marketing list.
How does this occur? One short report can be used in at least two different ways. Firstly, you can use it as a free giveaway, which helps you to build your subscriber list. Secondly, it can be posted online in different document and ebook directories to help drive traffic to your site. This second strategy also provides you one-way backlinks from high traffic sites, which search engines love to see in order to help them determine how highly to rank your site in search engine results.
There are some basic things that will be key to your success and by following these general guidelines you will be able to create reports that people will enjoy reading, want to share with others and will help you to increase your online income.
Here are 7 tips on how to write a short report from scratch:
1. Value. You must provide as much value to your readers as possible. I define value as something that provides informative, useful or helpful information that helps readers solve a pressing problem. For example, if you help someone look, feel or perform/act better, then they most likely would agree that they have received some value from your short report.
2. Preparation. One of the biggest factors in how well a project will turn out is how well prepared you were to do a good job. This process will involve different things for different people and for different writing topics. However, here are a few basic steps that you can start with on almost any project:
a. Market Research: You need to first find out what topics are people interested in. One way to do this is to visit sites that sell lots of things, like affiliate sites, to discover what's hot or what is in demand. For example, an upcoming holiday or special event might be something that's hot, but information about how to improve your finances, health or relationship is something that is always in demand. Choose a topic that really resonates with you. You will always do better when writing about what interests you the most from the choices available to you than you would by just picking one at random.
b. Gather your resources: Now it's time to discover information related to your topic. To ensure that that you are providing as much value as possible, include as many other additional references or resources as possible. These additional resources might include things such as personal experiences, interviews with other experts or other factual data from creditable sources. Once you have collected enough information to over-deliver on your report, you are now ready to create an outline.
4. Presentation. This is where you will need to set up your report format, which include the following components:
-- An introduction: explain why someone interested in this topic should read your report
-- The body: information broken down into several, logical compartments. You'll also want to include compelling graphics or tables that help explain or illustrate the information in your short report so that it is easier for your readers to quickly understand and absorb the information.
-- Summary: summarize what was covered in the report
-- Closing statement: your conclusion or call to action. Having a powerful call to action is the primary way that this report is going to build your business. Requesting that your readers visit a particular site to buy a product or service will be what drives the reader back to your web site.
5. Proofreading. This is another very important step that can really have a big impact on how well your report is received. Whenever possible, have someone else proofread your work for you. If this is not an option, then the next best thing is to take a short break and then proofread it yourself when you are well rested and refreshed. And, always run a spell check after each update.
6. Marketing and promoting. Now it's time to get your value-packed report out there and share it with the world. There are a variety of different ways that you can do this. For example, use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin to promote it. You can also use it as a free opt-in report on your site to build your list or as free high quality content that you send to your list and ask them to share it with others. Another option is to upload and sell it on Amazon to get passive income that way.
7. Rebranding opportunities. You can also offer this report to your list and permit your list members to give it away free of charge to their lists. To make this work, you'll need an affiliate program in which your affiliates can create unique and trackable links to each of your products and service. You'll need to embed a PDF brander in the report so that each affiliate can rebrand the link back to your site with his/her affiliate link. This rebranding opportunity incentivizes your affiliates to give the report away by offering them a trackable way to collect affiliate commissions for sales they make on your behalf.
By following these basic guidelines you can quickly learn how to write a short report that will help you achieve your online goals of growing both your business assets and your personal income.
Discover how to stop the client chase and massively increase your online visibility with my free ebook, Cash in With Content, at http://www.CashinWithContent.com
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