What does your FACE say about you? Are you wearing a face of success?

Facial expressions are a part of everyday living that send vital messages to those around us.
As a physician who treats many patients who are in pain, I can readily tell how patients feel by looking at their faces. Certainly, when people are in pain, their facial expressions depict how they feel. Literally, their face lets me know that they hurt. Their faces show grimaces, frowns and sometimes women do not wear makeup when they feel bad. Men often allow their beards to overgrow when they are in pain.

As soon as I recommend an intervention that makes them feel better and reduces their pain, I can tell that they feel better as I walk into the room for their follow-up visit. I see smiles, rosy cheeks, eyes with eye shadow, and men that are clean-shaven, all because they feel better.

What messages does your face send?

Have you ever gone to a restaurant and the waitress frowns at you? Immediately you know it’s not going to be a pleasant dinner.

We should all pay attention to what our faces are saying.

What does your face say?

Are you trying to get a promotion in customer service but your routine facial expression is a frown? If so, you won’t get that promotion. If you are striving for success, your face needs to say, “I am ready to work.”

Look in the mirror from time to time to see what your face conveys. If you are getting bad vibes from everyone during the day at work, take a sneak peak. You might think they are having a bad day when in fact, your face is saying, “don’t bother me.”

Take out your mirror during the day, and see what your face is saying.

What does your face say about your attitude? A lot. Your face usually depicts what your attitude is saying.

People who frown usually display a bad attitude as well. People who smile often have a positive attitude.

If you want to succeed:

Make sure your face displays a pleasant disposition. It is much easier to smile than to frown. It also makes it much easier for others to approach you.

Greet people with a smile and they will usually respond.

Don’t be like the waitress who greets you with a frown.

The other day I went through the drive-through at McDonald’s, and the person at the window was obviously having a bad day. When she handed me an ice cream cone, I asked “May I have a napkin please?” She replied “What, a napkin? You have one with the cone.” I replied, “May I please have another one?” This time, she frowned at me and gave me the napkin. I said “thanks.” She didn’t respond.

Did she realize that if people stopped using the drive-through at that McDonald’s because she was rude, McDonald’s might have to tell her she does not have a job?

Your facial expression and attitude adversely affect those around you. Who wants an ice cream cone from a grouch? It doesn’t taste as good when a mean-spirited person gives it to you. Does it?
People prefer to work with someone with a positive attitude rather than someone who is always complaining. This facilitates teamwork and can lead to your success at work, home or in other relationships.

Keep a check on your face to ensure that you are projecting an “I want to succeed” image.

Try it; you might be surprised to discover what your face is saying.

©2012 Winifred D. Bragg, MD. All Rights Reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Winifred D. Bragg, MD is a business owner, keynote speaker and author.

She has taught thousands why staying strong and maintaining a strong mental toughness are essential to overcoming adversities. She has been featured on NBC, ABC, FOX and CBS news television segments.

As a physician, Dr.Bragg has treated thousands of patients with physical pain. She now teaches leaders from various industries how to overcome the growing pains in their personal and professional life.

She delivers powerful messages through teaching the Bragg(sm)Factor. Through this system, Dr.Bragg shares methods on how to achieve your maximum potential.

Please visit www.DrBraggSpeaks.com