This is the first day of the rest of your life – The Midas Key
Monday morning and we have a clean slate, ready for the week to start no matter what it brings. We are going to start the week by using the universal laws to help us get what we want and desire and to also create balance so that our week can run smoothly.
There is still time to write down our five things that we are grateful for. We have just had the weekend and some of us have had the luxury to have had some time off and others less fortunate but still there is so much to be grateful for. Here are my five things:
1. I’m so happy and grateful that I had time to spend with my children
2. I’m so happy and grateful that I had time to clean the kitchen
3. I’m so happy and grateful that I still have a roof over my head
4. I’m so happy and grateful that I managed to give comfort to a friend
5. I’m so happy and grateful that husband didn’t have to drive home in hazardous conditions
Now my mind is set to feeling grateful, with a positive kick but I know that in an hour I am going to have my first client who is really doom and gloom which will bring a lot of negativity towards me. I am going to refuse to accept her negativity in to my world so while I am writing this and feeling slightly uncomfortable I am going to smile. The subconscious can’t decipher the action of a smile so I am actually forcing a good vibration.
Next - Don’t forget to refer to your list for your Abundance, Prosperity and Success
In the Midas Key I have explained that it is very important once you have written your list of what you want to keep going back to it and saying it again and again. I am now going to check my list of what I want and repeat this several times. Having now done this I am now feeling excited about what is to come. I’m imagining all my dreams and desires as if I have them already and I have now reached a feeling of pure happiness.
My next step as I go out of the door to work is to do walking meditation which is wonderful because it totally takes one away from those hundreds of thoughts festering away which could bring us down by the time we arrive at work. This is really a method for us to live in the present as it’s extremely hard to do this because we are always talking to ourselves with lists of what we need to do or how we are going to pay this or remembering to do a certain task. It’s time to stop, concentrate on what is happening now. Listen to the sounds around you, concentrate on the rhythm of your steps, see what is going around you without your mind wandering. If you manage to get the hang of this it will make a huge impact on your day and you will arrive at work feeling invigorated and the day will look a lot better.
Lastly the universe will reciprocate your thoughts like for like so make sure your thoughts are positive and you shall be rewarded.
Angelica Young, Life coach, Mentor and Author of The Midas Key - The Explosive Mind Blowing Key For total manifestation domination.
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