Man, for the longest time, the fear won me over…
Like it is doing you, right now…
It made me feel that I could never win… Not in the way I wanted to…
I could win a little…
But I thought I would always just survive…
I thought I would always just get by…
I thought I would just about live from paycheck to paycheck…
I thought I would always have those debts looming over me…
And that I would have those big ideas and dreams and never quite be able to make anything happen…
That is what the fear tried to do to me…
And for a while I let it!
I let it win!
And I see you, Leader, you have been letting it win…
You have been letting the fear tell you that you have to be practical, responsible in the worst possible way…
That you have to downplay yourself…
That you cannot allow yourself to be noticed…
That people will think you are proud…
And that then they will dislike you and take what you do have away from you…
They will think that you are a fraud and too big for your boots, living above your station…
And then you will be lonely and struggling forever and a day…
And surely, you are done with that…
Just like I got done!
Fear has you by the neck, keeping your eyes down, looking at all your problems, all the mistakes you made, all the family responsibilities you have, all of that regular stuff which now seems so big, so defeating…
Fear has you believing that your higher power is against you and that you had better not give voice to all those internal doubts because hey, the lightning bolt from the heavens could come whack you over the head and your family will be left without you…
Fear has you trusting in lies about what you can or cannot do, what results you can or cannot get, what you can or cannot have…
Fear has you thinking that sex is bad and evil and to be avoided at all costs, even though a part of you craves fulfilment in this area of your life…
Fear has made you forget who you really are…
You are so busy maintaining the status-quo that you have FORGOTTEN THE POWERFUL PERSON YOU ARE CREATED TO BE!
Well, I got done with it…
And I finally stopped stooping under the pressure of it, I STOOD UP & I punched it in the face!
I got so ANGRY that I was living a small existence when I KNEW I was created for BIG things…
I got fed up of downplaying me, in the false quest for humility (How is it humble to pretend to be someone you are not, just to make others around you feel better about their refusal to wake up!)
I got fed up of having big dreams, big ideas and continually thnking that I could not make them happen!
I got fed up of dancing to the tune of lack and scarcity and making decisions from that place of weakness – Oh, I cannot afford this and I cannot afford that and so on…
I GOT DONE with living like a norm!
And so, guess what I did?
I made a decision…
A simple decision…
So simple that you may miss it…
Because you are thinking there is some magic outside of yourself that has to change before everything changes for you…
But the only thing that has to change, right now for your life to turn around is the decision you make.
Every single ‘norm’ out there is waiting…
To have enough money…
To feel like it…
For children to grow up…
For parents to pass on…
For employer to increase their wage…
For the lottery to be won…
For the voice from heaven to speak…
For permission from their chosen spiritual guru…
They wait, wait, wait for that external stimulus to change everything for them and needless to say, they wait forever…
I was one of those passive people for a long, long time…
I waited and waited and waited and then finally, Spirit got through…
“You are waiting for you”
“You are waiting for you…
There is no one coming, There is nothing that will change without you… You are waiting for you”
And I say these words to you now…
You are the only one to make the decision to no longer give into the fears…
And yes, I know they feel real…
It feels that there is no other way to live…
But, leader, there is.
And you have seen it in your mind’s eye, in your imagination which is why you long for it…
You are impatient for it…
But you keep thinking that your external circumstances have to change first…
They don’t…
You do.
And I can show you how to do this…
How to be the person you are born to be…
Because I had to learn it…
I had to put myself under many coaches and trainers who were living the life I wanted to live…
And I had to learn to see what they saw…
To think like they think…
To avail myself of power that I have always had…
It came down to a simple decision – “NO MORE!”
And then everything began to change…
Join me for PRAY. AFFIRM. RECEIVE – the 2 hour online workshop that will literally change the way you look at the world and therefore, change the results you get.
No magic here, just you tapping into power that you have always had access to but you were waiting, waiting for something outside of you to come…
You no longer have to wait…
You are the magic you have been waiting for and I will show you how to tap into that magic in this workshop…
Find out more and sign up at
Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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