How can you influence people at a core level and what does it mean to do so? In essence, it is spiritual entrepreneurship, a new and enlightened way of communicating with others. We activate different personas in relation to different situations that come up in life, basically engaging just two primary versions of our personality. When you master each of these aspects of yourself, you will influence others to live from their highest personality and core level of consciousness, and act from their own state of inner mastery. Let us explore this in greater detail.
The first and most usually activated version of yourself is your daily work identity. This is you as you believe you ought to be as you interact with the world. This is you as you roll play as spouse, father/mother, son/daughter, you at sport, socially, in business, at the supermarket and as the next door neighbour. You have been conditioned to present yourself to the world around you in a certain expected manner. This is the normal level of pre-conditioned consciousness common to most people.
This surface level identity is fashioned by the family into which you were born; by your parents and their beliefs and habits; by the society into which you were born; by your religion, education, social class and so forth. Many of these circumstances have been out of your control.
However, your childhood, societal and religious conditioning can be re-conditioned! All it takes is a decision on your part, followed by enlightened and decisive action to change what you believe and how you choose to act from now on.
You alone can become whoever you choose to be. It is your choice and your challenge; and above all, it is your unique and most precious gift to yourself and to the world. Life is about experience. You can choose to experience expansion and growth or contraction and death.
You have another identity which springs from a much deeper level of conscious awareness than your usual daily self identity of which we have spoken above. This deeper level identity is your core identity. It emanates from your subconscious mind, from your place of deep inner truth. Your core identity expresses you as you really are: unconditional and standing in the light of truth. It is from this core level that your dreams and aspirations take form.
Your core level identity transcends heredity, religion, race and society. This is you as you dream of being. This core level consciousness expresses your deepest desires; it expands your capacity to love and embrace love. It expresses outwardly your inner world, your higher self acting in the most joyful and loving way. This is a very high level of conscious awareness.
When you communicate from your core level of being you are centred, stable and focused. You become congruent with what you believe and your life reflects your beliefs. You begin to magically attract others with similar broader understanding of life and how it works. Your inner knowing and awareness of yourself as a multi-dimensional being immediately and inescapably ignites in others a desire to expand and become more than they have allowed themselves to be.
This is how you can influence others from your core identity, like moths to a flame or light. When you act from this selfless place of confident love and constant joy, your level of influence will simply and constantly expand and expand.
While our experiences, beliefs and values influence our identity, we can acquiesce and let life happen to us or we can make conscious choices and create the life we desire. Now you know how to influence others radically: think and act from your inner core self identity and others will willingly follow your lead because they will recognize your love, sincerity and positive expectation.
***For more information and your free introductory core identity coaching session, contact Marie C. Barrett, holistic life coach, at
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