Having a broken heart is one of the most painful experiences in life and when it happens it seems that you will never get over it. How to heal a broken heart seems even more challenging than the actual heartbreak experience because it is prolonged and re-lived over and over again. The knot in your chest, the unending stream of painful thoughts, the tears and sadness can literally consume your life force energy and leave you scarred for the rest of your life. It can take weeks, months and sometimes what seems an entire lifetime to get over that heartbreak. Yet even when you decide to move on, you haven’t fully healed your broken heart, there is a scar that has closed your heart partially or even worst completely. It is quite common for anyone who is experiencing a heartbreak to have thoughts like: “I will never fully love again”, “I will never trust anyone else with my heart”, “I don’t deserve love” or “love hurts, love is pain.” Then from that moment these thoughts are ingrained in your subconscious mind and color your reality, never allowing a true healing from a broken heart.
When we experience a heartbreak what actually happens at the quantum level of your awareness is that you fragment your soul with the frequency of the experience of heartbreak and this etheric mass will allocate on your heart chakra which corresponds to issues related to give and receive love, hatred, grudges, trust and betrayal. The frequency of this soul fragment and the thought you had in that moment will then attract you to other relationships where you are very likely to experience another heartbreak and thus keep energizing that soul fragment. And even if you do manifest a loving partner, the fear of experiencing another heartbreak and the pain that comes with it will be projected onto your new relationship. You won’t be able to fully open your heart, give and receive love and most certainly you won’t be able to fully trust that other person. Eventually your partner could get frustrated by your incapacity to fully accept his/her love and trust him/her and will break up the relationship, leaving you once again experiencing a heartbreak, abandonment and rejection.
The big question is: how to heal a broken heart? The only way you can fully mend and heal a broken heart, bring absolute closure and prevent from projecting the painful past onto your current or future relationships is to energetically clear all past analogical experiences related to heartbreak (including past lifetimes), clear all soul fragments and past identities and activate your heart chakra to the frequencies of love. By working with your Higher Self and transmuting energy blockages in your heart at the quantum level of your awareness you can experience a permanent healing and raise your frequency to manifest a relationship with a clean slate. As well we can clear any energetic blockages related to betrayal, rejection, abandonment, grudges, hatred and/or resentment which can also block your heart chakra. This will allow you to open your heart again to receive and give love and to trust, key elements for a healthy, harmonious, loving and joyful relationship.
Gustavo Castaner revolutionized the field of relationship mastery, soulmate manifestation and dating by combining his lifelong passions of energy medicine, emotional mastery, distance healing and coaching with relationships. His relentless focus to work on himself propelled him to uncover the root cause of the deepest dynamics and unseen forces that sabotage relationships, the energy blockages that prevent people from manifesting a high frequency relationship and the key steps to clear and disentangle these.
While undergoing a Masters Degree in psychology, Gustavo Castaner noticed that even though he gained more awareness about the mental and emotional patterns that prevented him from experiencing a happy, conscious and fulfilled relationship, there was a missing link. Awareness was a fundamental step yet in most cases it was not enough to achieve permanent healing, change or success. He intuitively knew that the source of most of his relationship struggles and life dilemmas were found at the soul level and his frequency. For years he embarked on a journey to study from the top relationship experts from a wide range of approaches: psychological, emotional, neurological, family constellations, body language, distance healing and alternative medicine. His unquenchable thirst to master any topic that he focuses upon led him to become an expert energy healer, coach, speaker and seminar leader. And on 2007 he founded AuricCalibration.com and since then has assisted thousands of people from around the world to clear the highest priority energy blockages that prevented them from embodying their Higher Selves and finding their life’s purpose.
Being adamant when it comes to his own personal development, Gustavo worked on himself for years and was able to break through the heaviest relationship karmic loops, manifest his soulmate (Jennifer Cruz) and cultivate a higher loving relationship. Not only was he able to achieve this for himself, he was also able to help other people do the exact same thing. That’s when the light bulb went off for him and he discovered his true life’s mission: to assist other people clear their relationship slate and manifest what he calls an “ascended relationship” at an accelerated rate so they could avoid a lifetime of struggle, drama, frustration and pain in their relationships.
Gustavo is a master at disrupting those patterns that may be hindering growth and development in a relationship. He adroitly allows the patterns in the individual or relationship to reveal themselves, and then rigorously interrupts any interactions that maintain problems or that are destructive, encouraging couples (or those who are single and desire to manifest a relationship) to take the first steps toward changing their behavioral, cognitive and emotional patterns immediately. Although he is serious about his work, his sessions are conducted with humor, unconditional love and with the utmost respect for the people who work with him. The resulting experiences lead to the realm of the soul, an area not often addressed or encountered in the more traditional approaches.
Gustavo is the author and creator of the Ascended Relationship Mastery Manifestation Program, a holistic approach that combines the latest cutting edge data, strategies, tools and energy healing techniques that address the SOURCE of the top relationship issues (Male-Female Rift, Emotional Pain Body, karmic ties and cords, etc.) and clears them on all levels of the individual’s awareness.
He also pioneered The High Frequency Dating Lifestyle where people raise their frequency by working on themselves at the energetic level, thus attract and manifest life partners and soulmates who resonate with their own high frequency and desire to embark on a committed, harmonious and healthy relationship. People who follow The High Frequency Dating Lifestyle are able to transition from attracting people based on the personalities of the ego, past karmic imprints, their own emotional pain body or codependency imprints to attracting people based on soul compatibility, core values and higher giving love.
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