The process of creating your Vision for your Life is simple: Imagine all the fun, exciting, good feeling stuff you want in every aspect of your life. You can do it for your life as a whole, and/or break it down and create a separate vision for each part.
For example: My basic vision for my life is to have lots of freedom to do what I like; to travel and explore; to have money freely flowing to me in such an easy manner that it is effortless; be surrounded by interesting, vibrant, fun people; be madly in love with myself and my partner, and live in a beautiful, peaceful home that I can entertain lots of guests in.
Next I might break down each part of my life and create a vision specifically for that part. For example: My vision for money: Money flows easily to me. I always have enough to do anything that I may fancy. Money is never an issue. I gratefully pay my bills and appreciate the prosperity and abundance that is my life. I am able to provide for myself and my family, and generously share my abundance with my friends. Money comes from unexpected sources. It is not my job to figure out where it is going to flow from, I gratefully accept it.
My job is to connect with this vision and imagine myself living it as often as possible. The more I can get into the feeling of my vision the better. I imagine how great it is to see something I want and buy it without a thought or concern, to plan that amazing trip to Mexico that I am going on, and what it feels like to have a constant stream of money flowing to me. The more I focus my attention on these things; I begin to see where they are happening in my life. The more I amplify the energy the more I begin to experience it, and see the manifestation of my vision in my life.
There are a few things to be aware of when you are creating your vision. The first is to ask yourself if you are creating your vision from the perspective of being a historian of your life or from the perspective of being the creator of your life. The historian creates a vision from the perspective of what you have already lived. You tell the story of what you life has been, rather than what you want it to be. When you are creating a vision from this place, you could be unintentionally limiting yourself.
If you come from the perspective of the creator of your life, you are more likely to create a vision based on what you want to experience. You are tapping into what you desire for your life, what you want to experience, and what has yet to become. I am not saying that you should not base you vision on the things in your life you want more of, but rather add in stuff that is far beyond what you have already experienced.
Dream big!
I will throw out the idea that it is important to be aware that on a day to day basis, we limit our lives and what we think is possible due the our "Pre-packaged" beliefs. These are stories we tell ourselves over and over about how the world works and what is possible for us. They are handed to you by your family, culture and environment.
Pre-packaged beliefs create the box that we live our lives from. Stepping outside your box and shaking things up a bit is extremely helpful when creating an outrageous vision for your life. It helps to shift your perspective and expose you to new ideas and possibilities.
An easy way to step outside your box is to do something that you have never done before. It can be as simple as going to a different coffee shop that you usually do or taking a class about something new to you with people you have never met. Expose yourself to new ideas and new people. I like to take a trip somewhere warm, relax on the beach, explore another culture, and connect with myself. Unplugging from my usual day to day activities allows my mind and spirit to reset and expand.
What are some ways that you might step outside your box and connect to your outrageous vision for your life?
Presented by Leah Shapiro; Kick-Ass Life Coach, Radio Show Host, & Head Rabble Rouser at
Leah is the champion for your non-conforming soul. Leah shows you how to break free from your unsatisfying, pre-packaged life in order to create the kick-ass life of your dreams.
When she is not focused on building her empire, hosting Defy the Box Radio, or writing for her blog, you can usually find her making pottery, playing with her two cats or whipping up something delicious in the kitchen.
A self admitted hedonist, Leah is frequently off engaging in pleasurable pursuits and is known to be a mighty temptress. Get your free copy of Leah's special report: The 4 Steps to Transform YOUR Life here:
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