With the presence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) among us, preventive measures are intensifying and it is necessary to move from knowledge to action to help control the spread of this new disease that has the world on alert.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), and as with other respiratory diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis, a person can contract COVID-19 from contact with another who is infected with the virus, in the following ways:

- By inhaling the droplets that are expelled through the mouth or nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

- When touching surfaces or objects with the presence of the virus and then putting your hands to your mouth, nose, or eyes.

Considering that 80% of germs spread through what is touched, an apparently clean surface may be contaminated with this new virus that is not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, to ensure complete cleaning, a product must be used that is not only effective against dirt but also contains an active ingredient that ensures its removal.

In addition, various scientific studies have shown that objects in common use (such as toys, children's backpacks, light switches, and door handles) are permanent sources of infection that are not usually properly cleaned or disinfected on Coronavirus Deep Cleaning, Atlanta,GA.

Prevention at home

It is important to consider that although it is still not known with certainty how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on a surface, it seems to behave like other known coronaviruses. Studies have indicated that coronaviruses can subsist on a surface for a few hours to several days. The time may vary depending on the conditions (for example, the type of surface, the temperature or the humidity of the environment).

In this way, to help reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, both the WHO and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and also the United States Environmental Protection Agency, suggest the use of household disinfectant products such as bleach or disinfectant wipes.

“The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, has protein membranes and fats (lipids), which are its weapons to infect cells. But sodium palmitate, a staple in any detergent and soap, renders the virus dormant. For this reason, it is recommended to clean highly touched surfaces (such as buttons, knobs, doorknobs, handles, etc.) to prevent the virus from remaining there for several hours, "they said in the statement.

They also indicated that when buying a cleaning product it is key to check its expiration date, use it according to the manufacturer's instructions, do not dilute it unless indicated, and do not mix products together since they can inactivate or generate toxic vapors.

To carry out a correct cleaning you must:

-Wear gloves

-Wash your hands after cleaning

-Avoid splashing on the face

-It is suggested to avoid the use of spray formulations because when applied directly to a surface, you may not have access to the most contaminated areas.

-In case of using the spray, you have to apply the product on a disposable paper, clean and drag and then throw the paper


Regarding bleach, which is sodium hypochlorite, its use requires 3 times.

1-Washing and scrubbing with soapy water and / or detergent (bleach does not penetrate or act on visible dirt residues)

2- Rinse and dry

3- Disinfection with bleach diluted 0.1%

Recommendations for its preparation:

You have to dilute 10ml (2 large tablespoons) in 1 liter of water. And that dilution should not be kept more than 1 hour since after that time it decomposes.

Let's check a short video Disinfection Services, Atlanta,GA

Author's Bio: 

TM Root is a passionate writer and web researcher