The generator is used as backup or on-site power to produce electricity. Diesel or gasoline, with launcher or starter, the generator has a regulation capacitor, AVR or Inverter. Soundproof, power: here tips for choosing best cheap generator!

Choose a generator according to your needs

1. Do you need electricity to punctually operate a few tools or to have lighting in a place without a power supply?

Choose a generator motor gasoline (4 times preferred), power of about 3000 W, with a frame with or without wheels (depending on the use) and manual startup. For current recovery, capacitor control will be sufficient. The power supply will be in single phase.

2. You go on holiday in a tent or camper but you want to operate your coffee maker, your TV and recharge batteries (vehicle, smartphone, tablet, etc.)?

Orient your choice to a portable soundproof generator with 4-stroke engine. This type of group offers a power of up to 2000 W, which is more than enough for occasional use and single-phase power supply of energy-efficient receivers. For regulation, opt for inverter technology to avoid damaging your electronic devices.

3. Are you a pro and looking for a generator for sites without electricity?

Opt for a powerful generator of 10kW minimum, diesel, towable or not, capable of delivering single-phase and/or three-phase depending on the tool to connect. Prefer AVR regulation (Automatic Voltage Regulator) to have a constant and stable voltage, without peak voltage or power drop. Prefer a group that offers a control of the engine oil temperature (when many tools are connected, the group may have trouble keeping up and warming up, with this additional safety it will stop automatically before breaking).

4. You want to set up a backup power supply for your home because network interruptions are recurrent and sometimes long?

Choose first and foremost a 4 - cycle gasoline generator, with a comfortable power (about 5000 W), on fixed chassis, and having an inverter regulation system so as not to damage your different electronic or computer devices. Coupled with an electric starter and a source inverter, the group will take over at each power outage. For even more safety, direct your choice towards a model with thermal safety and equipped with a differential cut-off device.

The various securities
Many generators offer a control of the oil temperature of the engine that cuts the group in case of overheating. Some are also equipped with a thermal circuit breaker system that cuts off the power supply delivered in case of anomaly on the network. All these extra security contribute as much to the preservation of the generator as people. We must not neglect them.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover.