Car accidents that result from speeding violations can lead to significant injuries. But, even a normal fender bender in a parking lot could still result in serious issues to passengers who have pre-existing medical conditions such as traumatic brain injury. However, although it is easier to identify physical injuries sustained after a car accident, a victim can suffer from the emotional trauma that can be hard to see or treat. Your car accident attorney in Jupiter, FL can use emotional trauma to be part of any car accident claim. Keep reading to learn more about emotional trauma after a car accident and how it can help you strengthen your case:

Symptoms of Emotional Trauma

Statistics show that some people who survive a car accident may develop post traumatic post disorder (PTSD). You may be suffering from emotional trauma if you have symptoms such as nightmares, sleep disturbances, irritability, weight fluctuations, compulsive or obsessive behaviors, social withdrawal, or chronic fatigue. The seriousness of your emotional trauma and its symptoms can depend on several factors like the existence of a pre-existing medical condition, the seriousness of the accident, degree of physical injuries, and possible fatality.

Impact of Emotional Trauma on your Case

The majority of jurisdictions let car accident victims recover for their emotional distress in the form of non-economic damages. These damages cover losses such as pain and suffering that don’t easily convert into specific amounts of money. To determine the amount of compensation you can get for your emotional trauma, your attorney will look at your underlying physical injuries and their severity, your symptoms’ frequency and severity, formal medical diagnoses relating to emotional trauma, as well the possibility of treating your trauma in the future.

It is important to keep a log that documents when you experience your symptoms like nightmares about the car accident, how frequently you experience them, and how long they last. You must also document whether these symptoms stop you from going to work or taking part in social activities. Your employer may also have a record of your absences or days when you were late or had to leave early because of your symptoms.

Consult with a Car Accident Lawyer

The emotional trauma after a car accident is a common condition that victims have to suffer from. Your ability to recover damages for your trauma will depend on the facts of your case. This makes it important to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in car accident cases.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.