If you are a writer and you write one page a day, in 30 days you’ll have 30 pages. Duh! Yes, I’m being obvious, but there’s a point. Taking this very same logic to get even faster results, if you write 2 pages a day you’ll have doubled your output.

To look at this in a different way, if you want to maximize your results could you give 100% for just a day? Of course you could. But it might be hard for someone to keep up that pace every single day. But would you be happy if you could increase your results to 100% a month? Again, of course you would. So let’s talk about how simple it is to get there.

If a month is 30 days, and you just increase your production output by 3-4% every day, at the end of 30 days you would have increased your results 100% in a month and also achieved your results faster than ever before.

By simply making a promise to yourself to increase your efforts and energy by just a few (manageable) percent every day, you will get the results you want faster than you have in the past. A side bonus effect is that you will also build up your momentum, drive and desire.

Look at it this way: a runner typically does not beat his opponent in hour or even minutes. Sometimes not even in seconds. A footrace is often won in milliseconds. Said differently, the difference between a gold medal winner and a silver medal winner is fractionally small.

Think about that. Just a little more effort and output on your part could dramatically result in bigger and faster results. So the next time you set a goal for yourself, plan on adding just a little more effort to your routine every day and you will notice that you’re getting to the finish line ahead of the pack.

You can find out more out this at: www.Finish-What-You-Start.com

Author's Bio: 

Craig Copeland is an author and a speaker for several years and has recently begun speaking at seminars through his company the Reach Now Institute based on his new book "Finish What You Start": Unlocking The Success Secrets of the Top 1%.