This article discusses of one of the most powerful tools for handling discouraging situations. This tool is 1000 times more powerful than any diet or supplement.

It is critical to be aware that your mind is the most powerful machine in this universe for creating the reality you desire. There is nothing comparable out there on the market!

With your mind, you can create the life and the body you want. With your feelings you can experience and enjoy what you create.

Okay, now it's time to get started and move on to the hot stuff.

I am sure you have set goals for your ideal weight, as well as goals for some other things in your life. And I am sure you have tried different things to capture your goals.

However, you might notice that only a few people are reaching their goals and only a few people are getting rid of their weight problem.

Why are so few people successful in reaching their goals and their keeping the commitments they set in their lives?

It's seems to be easy to set up goals and to commit to something. But when the first emotional challenge comes, all goals and commitments are far away and the motivation to do something is equal to zero.

Think about it: what happens to lot of people in this situation? They give up their goals and commitments when they are in this situation. They believe that the goal is too far away and the commitment is too strong, or it takes too much effort to stick to it.

Based upon my own experience, I can tell you that giving up in this situation is one of the most common things people do when they are not successful. I have never met a person that that has not reached their goal who has not given up first.

It's the only reason that you don't reach the goal you set for yourself.

Why is this? What exactly happens in such situations? First of all, you need to feel your discouragement. Things like this happen, and it's totally okay to feel it. There is nothing wrong with you. It's only a feeling and and feelings can be handled.

What happens in such a situation is very simple. There are more doubts around not reaching the goal than motivations to reach it. That means more energy is going into the doubts instead of energy being channeled into reaching the goal.

What is happening is that you are shifting your energy from one goal to another.

On the other hand, not reaching a goal is also a decision that brings up another goal. What you are actually doing, though you are not aware of it, is changing the goal. If you were aware of this, you wouldn't change your goal.

It's the same when you decide to buy a car. You are focusing on a specific car at a specific price, otherwise they are too many cars from which to choose. As part of your decision to look for a specific car, you are focusing and that brings you closer to your goal. If you change the specific requirements about the desired car you want to buy, the result will be more confusion by the day, and you will have to start the process all over again each day.

What do you do when you are in situations in which you feel like giving up?

The best thing you can do in this situation is to shift your attention away from yourself. You need to take an action.

Call your friend and motivate him or her about something that is in alignment with your goal. That's the most effective method you can make, since it moves your attention away from your feelings of discouragement and focuses you on encouragement instead.

Call your friend and ask him or her about a goal that he or she want's to reach. Tell them how important your friendship with them is to you. Tell them that you want to invite them for dinner. Do something that will encourage them. You will might say, "But I need to encourage myself and not others." That's right, but what happens when you do this is that you shift yourself out of your situation by encouraging a friend or another person.

It's absolutely necessary and important that you try it. Do it and you will have a great experience. Life is always about experience. You can read as many books as you want but it will give you only an intellectual knowledge, not experience. You change your life through experience, not through knowledge.

The only thing you need to do it is a little "self-courage." There is nothing you can do wrong. A new experience could bring you back the power to reach your goals and to stick with your commitment.

Always remember, the force will be with you ... that force being your ability to create!

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