The ill effects of over masturbation can be controlled and treated by herbs and natural remedies. These remedies can alleviate the problem without side effects and in short duration to avoid further damage and can also reverse the effects. It is estimated that nearly 94% of men and 64% of women practice masturbation to satisfy their sexual desires; the healthy frequency for masturbation differs from one individual to another however medically 2-3 times a week is considered as healthy number for an adult to masturbate without causing any threats to health. Once a person starts practicing masturbation beyond the tolerance limit of his or her body the ill effects of this practice starts to surface and pose serious threat to health.
Hormonal imbalance, low libido and symptoms of sexual exhaustion are commonly associated with over masturbation in males and females. Males may face problems like premature ejaculation, semen leakage and erectile dysfunction on aggravation of ill effects of over masturbation while women face chronic vaginal infections, white discharge or vaginal dryness. Once such symptoms are evident natural remedies and herbs shall be used to resolve the situation immediately. Reducing the frequency of masturbation is primary treatment to the problem as without it herbs and remedies can be of little help. There are herbs which can help a person in controlling his emotions and suppressing the frequent urge to masturbate but person himself shall also support the treatment by staying away from erotic thoughts and fantasies and keeping mind engaged in interesting work during free time to reduce the frequency.
Increased intake of soybean products, peanuts and sunflower seeds works as natural remedy for treating effects of over masturbation. Cranberry juice and orange juice everyday also provide necessary nutrients to replenish lost sources of energy to the body. Increased intake of foods having rich sources of zinc also helps the body in recovering from the ill effects of over masturbation. Ginger is a rich anti-oxidant, its use in food or as a salad ingredient helps in smooth blood flow all over the body. Drinking a glass of milk with one or two leaves of saffron before going to bed also helps in promoting blood flow and energizing the body to work as a remedy for effects of over masturbation.
Herbs like Shilajit provide complete treatment for all the problems initiated due to over masturbation, this herb is effective in treating problems like prostatitis, relieves liver stress, promotes hormonal balance, increase energy, increases metabolism rate and enhances immunity system. This herb is a natural rejuvenator and works as natural remedy in overcoming the problem of low libido and sexual exhaustion caused due to over masturbation. Its anti-inflammatory properties work wonderfully well for treating problems like prostatitis. NF Cure capsule is another popular herbal supplement used for rejuvenating male reproductive organs and eliminating sexual weaknesses for healthy sexual behavior. Use of this herbal product can correct the disorders caused by over masturbation and also helps in reducing the desire to masturbate. It increases libido for promoting normal sexual desires and improves immunity system to counter minor allergies and curing internal injuries.
Read about herbal treatment for Over Masturbation. Also know the benefits of Shilajit.
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