As much as we know about modern medicine and the way the human body works, there is still a lot that science cannot explain. Patients on their death bed have been known to “will themselves to live” and be up gardening by the end of the week. Patients with serious, debilitating diseases have, without treatment of any kind, healed themselves. There are skeptics in the medical community as well as scientists who actively embrace the role that our minds and our will play in healing. Ultimately, however, it's up to you to decide what you believe.

Science says that there is a cause for everything that happens and that if we can discover the cause (in the form of observable, measurable variables), we can predict the effect. But there are many medical miracles that involve variables that simply cannot be observed with any type of measurement device that exists today. For example, there is no way to measure a person's will to live or how actively they pursue positive visualizations for the purposes of healing themselves. Cancer is an excellent example of this fact.

The attitude that a cancer patient has toward his or her illness notoriously effects the course of the disease. Some scientists have the studied the role of attitude on cancer, concluding that a positive attitude coupled with a strong will to live often produces favorable outcomes for cancer patients. Depression, unfortunately, is often correlated with bad results for cancer patients. Indeed, some of the latest research has advocated that women stop getting yearly mammograms before age 50 because, though there may be cancer detected in younger women's breasts, often, these women's immune systems are able to fight cancer themselves without ever even knowing that it's there. Add that to the fact that people in primitive cultures that do not regard cancer as a death sentence less regularly die from cancer.

Blood pressure is another example of attitude and emotion effecting our physical bodies. Yogis strive to consciously be able to control their breath, blood pressure, and heart rate through meditative exercise. It turns out that many people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure in a clinic setting may be reacting merely to the anxiety of the situation. If a doctor were to follow a patient home and take their blood pressure in the car on the way or at their house, they may very well find different blood pressure results. Patients' blood pressure is affected by mood and a perceived sense of stress. Though these high blood pressure patients aren't aware that they're controlling their blood pressure, yogis would claim that they could be. These people, essentially, could heal themselves.

There are numerous examples of people who have healed themselves against all the odds. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with an “untreatable disease” or disorder, consider taking medical diagnosis online or success coaching online that may help you maintain that positive attitude that you need to combat your health issue. Remember, people can and do heal themselves and the important thing for you to do is keep believing that though it may be improbable, anything is possible.

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