Everywhere you look, you are surrounded by the familiar…

Things and people that have been around you since forever…

It is all so the same

And yet, you feel different inside

You feel called to follow through on a particular call, a particular purpose

And it is unlike anything that anyone in your current existence has ever done and they think you are a little loopy…

You wonder if you are, as well!


Deep in your spirit, heart and soul, you know you are born for more than the norm…

You know that there is a message pumping deep within you that needs to be delivered on the world and yet, every day, you go through the motions of living the same old, same old life…

You turn up at the same old job — I know it has a nice prestigious title and so it feels silly to consider leaving it behind, after all the effort you put into getting there and OMG, what will the family say?!

You turn up at the same old church — you give them your time because that is what people like you, do. You give back, right? Ain’t nothing wrong with that, is there?!

You do what others do in their spare time — Watch a little TV, maybe get some gardening done in your nice house that you have fought hard to get, tidy up, keep it clean and try to be satisfied…

All the while, in your heart of hearts is the knowledge that your life is passing you by and all the big ideas, the dreams, the BIG VISION you have is simply not happening…

And you tell yourself that you just cannot do it now…

After all, there’s the children…

The extended family

The partner…

The friends who have placed you in a nice tidy box…


You still long too much to be accepted by people…

You have not yet made a solid commitment to your vision…

Because if you had, your every move, your every action would be taking you there…

Right now, you have bought into the lie that it is not practical…

And that the timing is wrong…

And honey, it is as though you don’t want to figure out how to make it practical because you have all these old ideas about what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do…

Why not be open to new ways of doing things?

Why not get over all your limiting beliefs and open yourself up to the possibility that you need to cut the cords COMPLETELY to your old way of thinking, being, acting?

YOu scared, right?

You created a cushy existence and you think you might lose it and so you will lay down your calling in order to maintain it, right?

And you will tell yourself that it is for your family, it is because you must be responsible…

YOu might even make it seem spiritual — Telling yourself that you must sacrifice what you want to do in order to do what you MUST do! And then tell yourself that that is what God wants from you…

And yet, the hunger in you remains

The darkness always at the edge as you wonder if this is it…

And I ask you this…

Why the heck do you think that your Higher Power would plant a vision inside of you, one that makes you hungry for more, and then make it impossible for you to figure out a way to live out the calling while taking care of your responsibilities?

What kind of love would that be?

CUT THE CORDS to your old way of thinking

CUT THE CORDS to being the same as everyone around you

CUT THE CORDS deliberately

OPEN yourself up to all possibilities!

OPEN YOURSELF UP TO opportunities!


There is a call on your life and there is a way to make it happen while being responsible…

The transition may be scary but you must trust that there really is abundance all around and it is more than enough FOR YOU!

YOU LEAD THE CHARGE to find another way to design life…

You be the History Maker that helps your people to see that there is another way to make the dreams in your heart come to pass while still taking care of business!

Dare to deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you really do want to.

PS — Are you ready to cut the cord to the normal life? For real?

Work with me, one on one, to conquer all internal blocks and to map out and roll out a strategy to deliberately design the epic life and business you know you are born for

HISTORY MAKER: PRIVATE MENTORING PROGRAM is open for applications now.

This is for you if you are a purpose-driven entrepreneur wanting support to uplevel your profits…

Or you are a professional ready to transition into your own profitable, purpose-driven business…

You are willing to do the internal and the external work to get results

You know this year is to be your six figure or more year

You are willing to invest in yourself

This is best for people who feel called to impact more people and are/or about to be

– Service Providers Who Want To Get Clients Online or build out a group program — Writers — Musicians — Artists — eCommerce store owners

– Starting/Growing a ministry using social media

This is a high level program and you can expect

Author's Bio: 

Rosemary Nonny Knight
used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online

Get her freedom book now at