We all know that greens like spinach and kale are good for us, but many of us either don’t like the taste, or just don’t know what to do with them. Smoothies can be a great and delicious way to get more greens into your diet without having to eat yet another salad. These can be enjoyed at any time of day, and are packed with vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. Both of the following recipes require only a handful of ingredients, and although they are “green” smoothies, they are absolutely delicious.

Recipe 1:

1 cup spinach

1 banana

½ apple


Combine everything into a blender and add enough water to reach your preferred consistency.

Recipe 2:

1 handful of kale

1-2 ripe pears

fresh mint


Combine everything in a blender and blend until smooth.


In both recipes, a small amount of fruit juice can be added in place of the water, but be sure that is low-sugar or no-sugar-added fruit juice. I also recommend using seasonal or organic fruit and vegetables as much as possible.

If you enjoy these smoothies, you can begin to experiment with making your own combinations. Pick any healthy green (even parsley is a great option) and try blending it with your favorite fruit. You can also add unsweetened protein powder if you would like to make the smoothie more substantial. Soon you will find what you like, and can drink to better health!

Looking for more diet recipes? Visit www.gngh.com.

Author's Bio: 

I am a weight loss consultant offering weight loss support to keep you motivated.Words of encouragement and affirmation that will help you become the best version of yourself