is taking a toll on human health and is gradually becoming the cause of the highest number of death rates in the world. Talking about the Indian scenario, the National Cancer Registry Programme of the India Council of Medical Research reveals that more than 1300 Indians die of cancer every day and the mortality rate is gradually increasing with the increasing number of reported cases.

Under the scenario, Ayurveda has defined and displayed its power, healing energy, and effective course of treatment for the welfare of Indians and other cancer patients all across the world. There are many Ayurvedic centers across the country that have equipped themselves so strongly to fight cancer that most of the cases are now being saved after all the struggle.

Ayurvedic treatment for cancer in Nagpur is a way to go for cancer cure in Nagpur under the guidance of expert Ayurvedic doctor and skilled team of therapists. Similarly, there are Ayurvedic centers all around in different cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kerala being one of the most reputed destinations for Ayurveda.

Be it Nagpur, Delhi, Mumbai, or Kerala, all the Ayurveda Cancer Hospitals follow the same guidelines and strategies for the cure, only the method differs and the way each process is put to implementation. Some of the common course of treatment includes cure like:

  • Ashwagandha: This helps in boosting the immune functioning of the human body and hence fights unwanted viruses and bacteria.
  • Guggul: This has anti-oxidant properties and is a good source that promotes blood purification.
  • Tulsi: This also has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that work to purify the blood and eradicate free radicals from the body.
  • Basil: This has anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties that lead to the prevention of cancer.
  • Caraway: This herb promotes the removal of carcinogens and in turn prevents the occurrence of cancer.
  • Cardamom: This herb has miraculous antioxidant properties that help to keep the body safe and free from all sorts of cancer-causing substances.
  • Black Pepper: The presence of an alkaloid substance in black pepper work to serve as a preventive and curing measure for cancer.
  • Cinnamon: This herb is known to reduce oxidative stress and protect from radical damage, in turn preventing cancer.
  • Clove: The herb includes many bioactive components that promote cellular detoxification within the body. This, in turn, helps remove all cancer-causing components from the body, marking it as one of the most important herbs in many medicines formulated by various hospitals and clinics providing Ayurvedic cancer treatment in Nagpur, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkatta, and other cities of the country.
  • Red Chili Pepper: This herb is popular for its cancer-fighting and preventing activities.
  • Rosemary: A popular herb with carnosic and roosmano work to exhibit a perfect cure against cancer.
  • Ginger: The herb works excellently as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that is perfect to mark an attack against cancer.
  • Saffron: With the presence of bioactive compounds like crocetin and crocin, saffron exhibits anti-cancer effects.
Author's Bio: 

Dr Nitesh Khonde, MD, BAMS is a world-renowned Ayurvedic Healer for the patients who are struggling through various medical conditions. He owns an Ayurvedic Clinic in Nagpur called Parijatak Ayurveda. Being Ayurvedic Expert in a wide array of specializations, Dr Nitesh Khonde strives hard to treat patients with care and also offer a free consultation. You can connect him on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. You can even reach him by email at