Nowadays the number of people booking taxis using their smartphones is increasing rapidly, in comparing it with the last decade. In other words, the increase in smartphones has increased the number of people booking their taxis online. Some of the major competitors in the online taxi booking script business are Uber, Lyft, Grab, etc. These companies are operating their business all over the world, and also they are earning millions of dollars in this business. Uber, Lyft, Grab have inspired lots of startups and entrepreneurs to start their businesses like them.
In this current market, there are lots of taxi booking software available in the business. Among those quality scripts, one of the best taxi booking software in the market is RebuStar. This script is mainly built to provide a solution for taxi booking software. RebuStar is cost-effective, features rich, fast working than the other taxi booking software in the market.
Our Taxi Booking software has all the important features of Uber, Lyft, OLA present in it. Our RebuStar is developed with powerful features like
• Switch Online / Offline
• In-App Call / Chat
• Real-time navigation
• Live Taxi Meter
• Review and Ratings
• Emergency Contact sharing
One of the important features for an Online Taxi booking script, A driver can update the status based on their available time. This feature is helpful in case of any emergencies.
A RebuStar driver and the corresponding RebuStar rider can chat/call using their default messaging and calling apps on their smartphone.
It shows the real-time navigation for the driver and the rider. It shows the route from start to finish. It is achieved by using Google Maps.
RebuStar app shows the live fare charge the customer. It is calculated by analyzing the total distance covered by the RebuStar driver.
Both the RebuStar Rider and the RebuStar Driver can review and rate each other once the trip is finished.
Our RebuStar has an inbuilt security feature. A RebuStar rider can add their emergency contacts into the app. If any case of emergency, they just tap the “SOS” button. it will send an emergency message with rider location in it.
For Contact:
Skype: Abservetech
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WhatsApp No: +91 98425 67828
A Complete Web and Mobile App Development Company Offers Uber Clone, Airbnb Clone, Swiggy Clone, Udemy Clone, OLX Clone, Monster Clone, Tinder Clone.
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