In this hyped and frenzied world of impersonal communication, most people have forgotten the value of common courtesy, decent manners and correct social etiquette.
“The world was my oyster until I used the wrong fork.”
-Oscar Wilde
Today the rigid rules of “society” of years gone by have faded – too bad, because how a man behaves has never been more important to his success. What hasn’t changed at all is consideration and gentlemanly ways - two attributes women notice immediately.
Just like a rookie hockey player needs to undergo thorough training and practice to make the most of his abilities, even the most considered man needs to learn the rules of present day society.
“The new millennium is the age of refinement, impeccable social skills, manners and how to conduct business with the right fork” says Shannon Smith, image strategist.
Ms. Smith suggests a few ground rules guaranteed to make a hit with the women in your life – whether it is your boss, associate or lady love. Keep in mind that you are being sized up n the first 30 seconds and that poor attire and manners can limit your progress, both professionally and socially. Here are some hot tips from her book Power Manners guaranteed to help you gain those gentlemanly ways women all admire.
When giving a woman a compliment, make it a sincere one. Avoid weight, wild hair color changes or her taste in clothes. “You look great. Have you lost weight?” won’t make her happy. Complimenting her on her taste in jewelry, dress color or noticing her new and attractive hair style will.
Always ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the occasion whether it is business,
a cocktail party or a gala. Save yourself the embarrassment of arriving in jeans and a cowboy shirt to a garden party. It’s quite acceptable to call the hostess and ask about the dress code. Be absolutely clear. You want to fit in.
Turn off your cell phone and blackberry during meetings, dinners and in public be considerate of others and speak quietly when using them. It’s a major faux pas to place either on a dining table.
In North America hand kissing is just not done. After all you don’t want to look ridiculous. Only European men can carry this off with grace and style.
Profanity is the language of barbarians. To impress women keep it clean.
Women admire men when they play up their masculinity to the hilt – Yes, open doors,
assist with coats, move chairs, help them get seated and STAND UP when they leave
the dining table during a meal. I mean all the way – not just the gesture. It will be notice by all the women present – it’s guaranteed compliment time.
Learning how to dance, dance; dance is one of the biggest social assets. You will be a major hit with all the ladies guaranteed. Impress the boss’s wife with a whirl around the dance floor. She’s bound to notice your stylish quick step and mention it. to her husband and friends resulting in more kudos for you with the boss!
The captain or maitre d’ usually meets you at a dining room entrance to escort you and your party to your table. If you are with a woman, she follows the maitre d’ who leads the way and you will follow her. When there are more in your party, women always precede the men to the table allowing them to be seated in the most comfortable chairs. No matter what, your guest is always seated with the best view of the dining room.
To avoid the “who pays” syndrome, remember he who asks is he who pays. Be the classiest guy around and never allow the bill to appear on the dining table.
If you want to be considered rude, crude and totally lacking in manners at the dining table or at the office where women are present, by all means tell obnoxious, locker room jokes… you’re sure to make a lasting impression and receive “the cut.”
In her book Power Manners – How to Use Your Personal Skills for Business and Social Success, Shannon discusses how easy it is to impress others without being fake; schmooze with the best; get out of embarrassing situations and ensure that you are on everyone’s guest list. It’s all about how to dine, wine and act fine! You can find out more from
Shannon Smith is a leading image strategist and founder of Premiere Image International. She is a TV personality, Speaker, columnist and author of Power Manners – How to Use Your Personal Skills for Business and Social Success. She assists individuals dine, wine, and act fine through her contemporary finishing school programs for companies and individuals across North America. Customized programs include – image mastery, charisma, presentations skills, appropriate dress & grooming, manners, etiquette training, executive dining and protocol. Shannon helps individuals transform from unnoticed to unforgettable…guaranteed.
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