Over the past few years, we seem to have left ‘traditional life’ behind. Every day, we head towards the packed city and lead a life that can only be described as ‘hectic’. When you live in a big city, it’s hard to avoid the hustle and bustle, traffic, stress, pollution, and various other issues. With the addition of online services and a distinct lack of time in the day, it wouldn't be wrong to say we’re now invisible.
If we look back even three decades, bakeries used to open early, fresh baked goods were taken from the oven, the fresh smell filled the community, and we could enjoy life one day at at time. Sadly, this seems to have been removed from society and we’ve never been further away.
Considering we’re always in a rush these days with somewhere to be, it’s not easy to adapt to this sort of lifestyle. Currently, we’ve got a lifestyle where contact with the outside world is limited. We live in our own bubble and can’t escape this bubble despite how often we try. With this, it raises one major question; Can this lifestyle change or do we need it to survive?
If you’ve been thinking about this question yourself, there’s no need to fear because we believe the solution can be found in a brand-new social network. With the slogan ‘Trust Your Friends’, the platform has been designed to bring everybody closer to one another to promote a familial feeling where important moments are shared. Named ‘Freldo’, the developers want people to build a family environment where people have time to listen and communicate as well as completing the simple tasks in life like a shopping trip or even visiting a bakery.
How Does Freldo Work?
Do you feel there’s a lack of trust in the world? Online especially, this is a huge issue and one Freldo is attempting to address. When logged in, you can catch up with friends while also meeting new people from a mobile application. As you add people you’ve known for a long time, they reach your ‘My Friends’ group. How is this different? With Freldo, you can stick with just your friends as opposed to adding strangers or allowing them to see your posts.
Over time, you build a circle of people you really trust. Furthermore, it isn't just for all your friends because you can also create connections with handymen and businesses in the area. Once you have this, you have a list of everything you need all in one place…all in Freldo.
As you build circles, the aim is to feel inspired and take action. For example, if you use a specific service or business nearby, why not leave some feedback? If you can leave important information, the stronger the circle will grow. Since we always trust the opinions of friends, they’ll trust your recommendation just as you’ll trust theirs.
With a built-in search feature, you can look for those who studied with you or even worked with you in the past. Based on reviews, you can also book services on Freldo so the network really is a multi-faceted service where friends can connect and relationships with trusted businesses can be built.
Earning Money with Freldo
With most social media websites these days, there seems to be a lack of reward but this changes with the monetary rewards available with Freldo. Let’s say your friend is looking for a local builder and they turn to you for a recommendation. Considering we need to trust builders with our homes, they need a skilled service with plenty of experience. If you can recommend a solid service you’ve used in the past, the builder gets a new customer and your friend gets a job well done…but what about you?
Sure, a ‘thanks’ feels nice but Freldo wants you to earn money for these recommendations. Whenever you solve a problem and recommend a service, which they go ahead and choose, you earn a small percentage in commission. As a proper ‘thank you, this shows the value of social connections and it means that all three parties now benefit from a recommendation as opposed to just the two as we’ve seen for many years.
Growing a Business with Freldo Advertising
In today’s world, it seems as though the majority of the budget for a business goes towards marketing. On the internet, the opportunities are endless to build a presence and keep growing a business. Unfortunately, the majority of opportunities aren't actually targeted towards any audience which means a significant amount of the budget is simply wasted. With marketing, the aim is to reach out to those with an interest in the business but this isn't happening right now. Even with thousands of dollars invested, only a small percentage proves worthwhile.
When you choose Freldo, the wasted money disappears and you can optimize your marketing efforts like never before. Instead of aimlessly targeting people, you take advantage of the best free form of marketing that has ever existed; word-of-mouth. As long as a customer has paid for your service, you can offer a small cash reward to those who recommend it. Once a foundation level of trust has been built, your business will continue to excel with your service being recommend to more and more people.
Rather than paying money and hoping for results, a system that has been failing businesses for decades, Freldo allows you to pay only once a customer is guaranteed. Once they pay, you can reward the person who referred the customer to your service and a positive community is built. How good is this?!
Suddenly, both the buyers and the sellers are seeing a benefit. With a small fee going towards your customers who referred people to you, it allows them to stay happy and they’ll keep sending you customers you otherwise wouldn't have had. As we all know, the key to success in the business world is building a base of loyal customers and we believe Freldo to be the best way of doing this. As time progresses, the fees you pay are actually investments because you’re always going to see the return in profits and new customers.
Real Feedback for Real Businesses
Much like the slogan Freldo has been built around, a trustworthy digital world is now being created. Currently, Freldo is the ONLY social media platform to have trust as the integral piece of the jigsaw. As long as feedback is provided every time a service is used, the really good businesses can excel and all your friends can enjoy the best services rather than being left disappointed by a poor experience (which can normally be prevented). In the wider market, trust is limited so this platform can only get bigger moving forward.
If you want to step into a world built around mutual understanding and trust, now is the time to do so. Not only can you build relationships, you can also maintain them so why not join Freldo today? Instantly, you can start building your network of trusted people and businesses to take the lead towards a more trustworthy future.
Join Freldo today and Trust Your Friends!
Misty Jhones
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