The purpose of going to college is to obtain necessary education and experience required to kick-start a professional career. Students and jobseekers need to have some essential skills to become successful in their careers. Whether it is about creating the perfect resume, polishing your interviewing skills or obtaining job search success, college graduates need to enhance their skills in these areas. They may face many problems if they are not equipped with the essential skills. These mistakes can become the career stoppers. Below, we discuss about the four key career stoppers for college students.

Low Quality Job Resume
The resume serves the purpose of showing the candidate’s working experience, educational qualification and others important skills required to perform a job. Any resume which fails to fulfill this purpose is a low quality resume. Considering the toughness of the job market, students and jobseekers need to write a resume that can immediately attract the attention of employers. There are various elements of a resume that candidates need to pay attention to. To make their job search a success, college graduates need to draft a resume that sets them apart from the crowd and lands more interviews.

Poor Interview Skills
Interviews offer college graduates the opportunity to let employers know of their work experiences, educational qualification and job skills. Interviewing can make or break the chances of getting hired by employers. By polishing interviewing skills, candidates can enhance their chances of landing jobs with employers. Candidates need to be well informed of the dos and don’ts of an interview. By fine-tuning their interviewing skills, college graduates can learn how to arrive at the avenue, how to behave with people at the venue, how to respond to the interviewer, how to pay respect toward them, how to dress for a job interview etc. There are a number of other guidelines that candidates need to follow to become successful.

Problem with the Law
College graduates also need to be very careful with the laws. They can lose the job opportunity instantly if they get trouble with the laws. While filling out job applications, you will come across questions like whether you were ever convicted of a crime. On the one hand, there are companies that do not hire candidates who have convicted a felony. On the other hand, there are some employers that may provide the jobseeker a chance to explain their circumstances.

Immature Public Demeanor
Most of the college students remain involved in college style partying even after they graduate from the college. It is strongly recommended for college graduates to uphold a professional demeanor at all times, because you never know who may be watching you. Even at restaurants and bars, you can come across potential employers and senior level professionals. Any kind of immature demeanor should just end in college. Maintaining a professional demeanor also helps candidates builds credibility within their professional network.

College graduates should, therefore, remember to follow all the above mentioned tips so that they do not face career stoppers. By drafting a perfect resume, polishing your interview skills, being aware of the law and maintaining a professional demeanor, you can really achieve early career success.

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To make the most of their careers and become successful, candidates need to know the A-Z of Career Planning and Development. At the same time, they should have their career goals very clear in mind. If you are confused about which career path is right for you, Take a Free Career Test now to decide.