Come on now, you have tried to do things that way, have you not?
You have toned yourself down, tried to be obedient to every rule that the gods of business and the internet and social media propose…
You have tried to be polite and nice and to kinda be under the radar while trying to tell people how your product/service/whatever can help, inspire, motivate, educate them in some way…
And where the hell has it got you?
Nowhere at all…
No one really notices you because you are trying so hard to play nice…
You are trying hard to obey the rules set out by people just like you who probably just made them up as they went along and it sounded like something that SHOULD work but it does not FOR YOU, does it?
They tell you how many times you should post…
They tell you when to put that video out there…
What background to have in it?
How to design your instagram page?
How to show up in that Facebook group…
What kind of content to write and when it will work best…
They tell you EVERYTHING and yet, is it working for you?!
You have tried and tried to make it work for you their way…
Well, ok, we have to be honest here, you tried…mostly… but not really because you were also afraid to play all out and so you did a bit of this and a bit of that and whichever way, IT JUST HAS NOT WORKED!
You were trying to use the rules as a safety gate around you but you could not quite do it all in the exact way they propose because, well, you were using the rules to hide YOU!
And well, that will NEVER EVER WORK!
If at the heart of everything you do, is a fear that it will not really work for you and a fear that people will not like you…
then guess what you get?!!!
So you know what?! Why not simply say ‘FUCK OFF” to the rules AND THE FEARS and get to work doing you boldly…
And that is the problem, isn’t it?
You are kinda scared of really showing up?
Of listening into your intuition and acting on it!
Supposing people do not like what you are doing?
Supposing you make some kind of deadly, ‘business-destroying’, ‘never come back from it EVER’, mistake?
Surely it is safer to follow the rules?!!
But it is not working and you feel stifled and confused about what to do and when…
And you know you are holding back from playing full-out as you!
And honey, it is YOU that makes all the difference.
YOU, not the rules!
The rules could maybe be a little foundation to springboard off but really, that is all they can ever be for you.
You have to find the courage to say ‘FUCK IT, I am going all the way in”
And then you have to trust that you are enough!
That the ideas inside of you are great
And that everyone NEEDS To hear about you and your thing, whatever it is!
Do you not see that this is a choice?
You can act all meek and nice and try to obey the rules of how to promote your thing?
And then you can say to yourself “Well, that did not work!” like most people do and so they then get an out from trying anything else because well, they followed the rules and it did not work for them…
Or you can see what the rules really are – Guidelines, ideas proposed by people who have found their own way by playing full out and yes, they are trying to simplify it for you but they can only do so much, YOU HAVE TO FIND YOUR OWN WAY!
The so-called rules are just a springboard for your creativity to shine through and call in the people you are called to serve.
What kind of business would it be, if it just followed some other person’s rules anyway?
I know there is a part of you that gets tired of the hustle and you think you would want a cookie cutter business but how long before you hate that?
You may as well go back to the dreaded job, if all you want is some ‘one size fits all’ type business. It would be a lot easier to make money, don’t you think?
But if you want a life that feels amazing, doing work that feels amazing with people who ARE AMAZING at times that suit you, honey, then THROW EVERYTHING AT IT!
See what sticks and do more of that.
Pull out every stop. DO YOU!
With no fear!
You Already know the foundational rules (if they can be called that!)
1.Get your head in the game (Clarity of purpose daily)
2.Communicate with your people
3. Capture and build an audience of people who are interested in you
4. Close – Offer them something
Now add you to the mix and go crazy doing as much as possible, as creatively as possible CONSISTENTLY and see what happens.
Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live
Because you want to!
PS – Yep, I just said Fuck all the rules but you may not have any foundation at all or you might be unsure of what your foundations are, so I put this awesome training resource together FOR FREE! and it is at
I called it the Purpose-Driven Millionaire Business Growth Pack and it contains a lot of great stuff for those wanting to uplevel their business or even wanting to start a business – Go check it out at
11 reports and videos valued at $997 and it is EXACTLY the stuff I did to more than replace my pharmacist income in 18 months so get it, use it, get creative with it!
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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