What acauses of flu infection in pregnancy? Women who are pregnant in secondly and third trimesters if carrying Influenza have a high risk of suffering a fatal condition. This risk is because of the pregnant women occurred much physiological and hormonal changes. In addition to the immune condition of pregnant women there was a shift from cellular immunity to be mechanism, so that pregnancies are usually at risk of viral infections, such as flu. This conjecture is reinforced by data, the mortality amounts of women who are pregnant in the event of pandemic Flu in 1918 and 1957 was above that of non-pregnant women. Apparently, pregnancy is more vulnerable to complications of Flu virus infection.
In women who are pregnant contracted H5N1, was found symptoms of Flu virus replica in the placenta. In addition, virus can be found in the fetus, indicating the appearance of vertical conveyance from mother to fetus. This is of particular concern, because before this Influenza has not been found in the fetus. Is this only occurs on H5N1 infection or all Flu viruses can infect the fetus in the womb still isn’t t clearly known.
A number of studies suspected Flu infection in pregnancy will cause problems in the fetus. Virus even if it itself will not cause disorder directly, but the mother suffered heat when exposed to Flu infection can trigger problems in the fetus. Although no direct evidence of the influence of Virus infection in pregnant women, but all the existing data shows that pregnant women includes riskful classifications if a carrier of Disease. As a consequence, whether an outbreak with Flu virus, especially avian influenza, women who are pregnant requirement special attention.
Related with children's psychological
Ezzra Susser investigators from USA discovered that mental degeneration in children could possibly be brought on by the flu suffered from the mother's womb while walking in the 1st three months of pregnancies.
This study found a steady relationship between babies for the effects of influenza which can result in schizophrenia. If the flu virus was infected in the 1st 3 months and three months of the next half the level of risk has only been in the number three. While the effect of the influenza will never make any problem after entering mid-pregnancy. Unlike previous studies that measure the results of blood samples, Ezra Susser doing investigate from since baby, nutrients are eaten, and several other components others.64 families researched by Ezra Susser partly also experienced schizophrenia, where a quarter of mothers said they had the flu while pregnant .
Schizophrenia is a customary symptom involved with psychotic disorders is preparing to take a reduction or logical thinking. Damage in the brain in babe infants happens when antibodies that come from the mother's drug entry into the placenta and act upon an infant’s baby's level of immunity and symptoms can be seen in the teenage years around the age of twenty years.
However Ezra Susser can also be doubtful study in a case how the mother is also getting regular vaccinations when pregnancy and if the plot was used then it will have an impact on the baby. Ezra Susser academic research result released from the Documentation of General Psychiatry.
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