It was my pleasure to have Bill Rasmussen, the founder of ESPN as guest on The Coach is in. The topic came up regarding how to find a support system if your environment does not contain a group of people who supports your ideas. Bill’s response was “We have the freedom within us to be the first person in our support group or support system.” Wow, that is so very true. But at times it is easier said than done. My five tips below will help you when you are having one of those days.

Coach Jaynine’s Five Tips to Motivate YOU!

1. Self Reflect. When you are having one of those days take time to self reflect on why you are doing what you are doing. What is your goal? What are you doing that is working well? What is not working and needs changed? Get out paper and pencil and start putting your thoughts on paper. If you are list person make a list of the pro and cons of pursuing your dream. Dare to dream and rekindle that passion that you once had for your business.

2. Music. You know what music gets you dancing in your seat. Find your iPod or mp3 player and find that music that kicks your brain into high gear and gets your blood pumping. Start dancing on your desk or in the street or wherever. Enjoy the feeling and let yourself get caught up in the feeling.

3. Read. Now is the time to pull out the books or magazines that inspire you. Maybe it is your bible or something by Joel Osteen. Maybe it is Fortune or Inc. Magazine. Whatever is on your nightstand is probably something that you enjoy and contains articles or profiles of other business owners that will inspire you.

4. Journal. Re-read your journal entries and look for patterns of what or who causes you to doubt yourself. When you can identify the culprit you can design an action plan to not allow yourself to be affected by the Negative Nellie’s and Debbie Downers.

5. Exercise. Nothing is going to motivate you faster than lacing up your running shoes. Exercise is going to get those endorphins working. Endorphins are manufactured in your body and are often referred to as nature’s morphine. Working up sweat will elevate your mood in a very healthy manner.

My five tips to help you motivate you will propel you back into action so you can continue to grow your business. Exercising to music is a great way to start your morning. I have many of my best ideas while out for a morning run. I get clarity on issues where I have been stuck. You may also find that starting your day reading scripture or something from someone that inspires you sets the tone for the day. Bill Rasmussen was quoted as saying “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” So, go create a great day, great life and great future.

Author's Bio: 

Coach Jaynine is the owner of Dream Catcher Business & Life Coaching. She is the international business and life coach who enjoys teaching business owners the systems and strategies needed to grow their business. She is a retired United States Marine and former psychotherapist residing in Jacksonville, North Carolina. She is also the author of Write the Right Resume, Attract Love Keep Love and various other ebooks and home study courses. Coach Jaynine is a member of the Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerce, Carteret Chamber of Commerce, and the American Psychological Association.

To learn how to stay inspired and grow your business contact Coach Jaynine at 910-539-2810 or so you can start turning your dreams into reality. You can also visit her website at