Dear Savvy Web Surfer,
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get tons of free stuff, while others don't?
When was the last time you got frustrated because you paid for something that one of your friends got for FREE (or significantly cheaper)?
Whether you are a teenager, student, employee, business owner, single parent, or retired investor, we all love the instant gratification we get when something is given to us free of charge.
Skimming through this special report may spark some new insights; but reading every word and authentically considering each suggestion is the hallmark of an intelligent freeloader for receiving everything that is offered and milking it for everything that it's worth. :)
After reading these (now twenty-three and growing) pathways, how could YOUR life change? Share this with others, and shift the focus away from a tough economy, into a new realm of conscious giving and receiving. Let’s love the world together...
1. Get clear.
It doesn’t work to just want “everything” for free. The more specific and precise we are about what we want for free, the more powerful our brain becomes by generating ideas and methods of obtaining that something for free.
Example: I like to party, so instead of just wishing for an abundance of money to spend on partying, I focus on getting free tickets to tons of cool events. More than that, now I get the VIP treatment at most places, feeling more abundant than having financial abundance.
“That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
2. Chunk it down.
Sometimes the way to get want we want for free is through stages. It may not be free for us immediately, but working towards a path that gets us that free thing can be extremely rewarding.
Example: Lots of people wish that they didn’t have to make a rent or mortgage payment for the place where they live. Maybe it’s not possible to get that for free today, but what about the possibility of sub-letting, or hosting youth exchange students, as a great way to subsidize our costs?
“How do you eat an elephant?”
“One bite at a time.”
3. Check your community.
Our biggest resource is through the network of people that we know. Chances are there are people within our network that either already have what we want (used and willing to give it away), or know how we can get it for free.
Example: Furniture, appliances, books, audio programs, DVDs/movies, and admission to shows/events are popular examples of things that people in our community have, and would be more than happy to give away. I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars on personal development programs through this method.
“It's all about people.
It's about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges.”
~ Mike Davidson
4. Google it.
It never hearts to Google what we would like for free. Don’t just try one term, but many variations, especially based on varying geography. What may be expensive in one city could be free in another part of the world.
Example: Companies may not give a physical product for free, but offer the digital copy at no cost. We could locate our favorite song/music, find our favorite book in audio format, or maybe the first couple of chapters of the book we want as a PDF, before we decide to spend money on it.
5. Uncover special promotions.
Sometimes waiting is the name of the game. Unseasonable times, off-peak hours, or excess inventory, are great opportunities to solicit our freebies. Certain promotions are based on volume, so we can recruit some friends, and get a group discount for everyone else (in addition to our freebie)!
Example: GroupOn, Living Social, and TeamBuy are all great web sites that show us great deals every day. By organizing small groups, our financial portion could be easily taken care of.
6. Explore the competition.
We may have an affinity towards a particular brand, but would settle for the same product/service from the competition -- if it were free! Sometimes the competition uses exactly this ploy to acquire new customers, and we can benefit from that!
Example: And maybe the competition isn’t really the competition. For instance, A.C.N. subcontracts essential home services from brands we know and trust, and offers us the possibility of getting our essential home services (telephone, Internet, wireless, energy, television, security, computer support) for free!
7. Find an equivalent.
We may think we want a particular product, when we’re really looking for a particular functionality. Software, applications, and services are great examples of things we may be paying for now, that we could probably find for free elsewhere.
Example: Microsoft Office costs money, but we get all the equivalent functionality from Star Office, for free! Look for open source and public domain products/services that you want for free.
8. Ask.
It can be that simple. Especially if we have a relationship with the merchant we’re asking, or have at least seen or done business with that company over a period of time, a freebie is more probably than we think.
Example: Sometimes it's as simple as calling our credit card company and asking them to lower our interest rates and what offers are available to help people in this tough economy. Other times, it’s not as simple as “Can I get that for free?” because there’s a science to making an authentic request. Read this article that outlines the three components of a request that is likely to get fulfilled: The 3 C's of Asking -- Make your requests Clear, Concise, and Compelling.
9. Negotiate.
Some people may feel negotiating doesn’t necessarily make something free... Don’t just think monetarily. We can negotiate by offering our products/services in exchange (bartering), offering a testimonial/promotion to our community, or committing to a future order.
Example: When hosting events, I always find venues that forgo all rental fees because I am able to drive a significant amount of traffic through our community into their establishment.
“Flattery is the infantry of negotiation.”
~ Lord Chandos
10. Put out feelers.
Our community is great, but social networking actually allows us to get to our communities’ communities. That is, people who we don’t know directly, but can know through a common person. This provides a conduit of trust through association where it is much easier to establish rapport and develop a nourishing relationship than with strangers/cold-calling.
Example: I know lots of friends who have posted their wish for something free on Facebook or Twitter, and got what they were looking from someone they didn’t know. Someone even got money for their cat that needed emergency medical attention.
“Social media is not a media.
The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships.”
~ David Alston
11. Search government programs.
There are lots of government grants and scholarships that we may be eligible for, as a citizen and as an entrepreneur. There are so many programs, that we should not discount any possibility or criteria that we may fall into. Investigate programs based on social/economic or minority status, as well as youth programs, those specific for woman, for the disabled, or those specific for aboriginals. Look for programs offering incentives or tax credits based on arts and culture, technology, and research and development.
Example: As a member of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, I get great parks like free transit and admission to galleries/attractions. While many people may qualify, not everyone who qualifies knows about such services. If you know someone with a disability, help them get $20,000 to $90,000 from the government. Chris Johnson runs an amazing program called Free Money University where he specifically shows you how to find and get accepted into these kinds of grants and scholarships. Tell him Danish Ahmed from Ordinary Words sent you for further discounts/offers.
12. Browse charities, service organizations, and non-profits.
Sometimes these groups can have excess stock, or be willing to give us access to their resources if our work is consistent with their mission. These groups usually have people with great hearts who love to give, so as long as we can provide value to them, they will provide value to us.
Example: Because I love to travel, I found lots of youth and community development programs that allowed me to travel in exchange for my volunteering. There are literally thousands of groups like this...
“He who wished to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.”
~ Confucius
13. Engage Churches and other local groups.
When people know you, they want to help you. Far more important than free stuff, is compassionate people willing to offer you advice, guidance, and resources to get anything you want. Today, there are lots of spiritual communities, prayer/mediation circles, new age clubs, and intentional families that offer similar value.
Example: Whenever I travel, I call networking groups in the city I’m visiting and offer to be a speaker and/or an out-of-town guest. They are usually excited to have me. What do I get out of it? Access to new people in a different market... and I have the ability to network with them in an intimate and trusted space. My Broken Palace is a non-profit organization of passionate people who want to help others in their time of brokenness. Looking for a free place to stay? Try services like Mind My House, or Couch Surfing.
14. Become a member of free services.
There are lots of new and innovative services on the Internet that offer tremendous value at no cost. Based on the product/service you want, think of organizations or services that may write reviews for that product/service, or offer free samples of the products/services you are looking for.
Example: is an auctioning platform like e-Bay, except instead of using money, we get credits based on the free stuff we provide to others. is a grassroots moment of people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their own towns. There are lots of free ad services like Kijiji and SwapSity.
15. Upgrade into That Free Thing.
That Free Thing grants us access to a web portal full of thousands of freebies -- with new freebies added every day. Instead of doing all the work above, allow a company to do all the work for us, and pool together the best free stuff into one place. Plus, there are Smart Phone applications (iPhone, Android, Blackberry) which give us instant notifications of freebies under our nose as we walk or travel!
Example: People have received everything from Dairy Queen ice cream to prescription eyeglasses worth hundreds of dollars. More interestingly, there’s a way to make money by sharing these freebies. Sign-up to get 5 freebies per week, for FREE! You could also get a copy of “The Legal Thief” by Seth Fraser, the Freebie King (given to upgraded members)! This book includes detailed strategies on how to live life free. When you become an upgraded TFT member, use this special report to build your community by changing the end of the URL to your TFT ID.
“Good artists create...
great artists steal.”
~ Leonardo DaVinci
BONUS! #16. The more we give, the more we get.
Have you heard “under-promise and over-deliver”? If we vibrate energy of giving, being conscious of our abundance and privilege of being generous with others, then others will be attracted to us and want to give to us. All of us give on some level already; the question is “is it possible to give more than what you have already been giving?”
Example: If you’ve made it down this far in this special report, then chances are you received some value. Can you re-gift it? Can you share it? Can you take thirty seconds and post it on your Facebook wall? This can be your contribution in creating a world without money.
17. Leverage your points.
We may have Air Miles or points in other loyalty programs lying dormant. Perhaps we want to travel somewhere... instead of asking our company or charity to flip the bill, ask if they have a corporate points/loyalty program affiliation. They may not want to spend the money on us, but would be more than happy to support our cause in this way. For teenagers, this is a great way to ask parents for cool stuff.
Example: allows us to trade points from one loyalty program to another. It's a great way to make rapid use of our points.
18. Expense it.
Perhaps you work for a company that can make what you want for free a part of their expenditure. Ask your manager or employer. If you're an entrepreneur, you can automatically expense it by making it relevant to business. This is one of the secrets why many people become an entrepreneur -- it's not about making money as much as it is about being able to get anything we want as an expense against profits.
Example: That Free Thing shows us how to use free items as promotional tools to grow our businesses. Therefore, even the upgrade to $9.95/mo is a legitimate deductible expense against any home-based business, and makes the product offering a no-brainer.
“Jerry: So, we're going to make the post office pay for my new stereo, now?
Kramer: It's a write-off for them.
Jerry: How is it a write-off?
Kramer: They just write it off.
Jerry: Write it off what?
Kramer: Jerry all these big companies they write off everything.
Jerry: You don't even know what a write-off is.
Kramer: Do you?
Jerry: No, I don't.
Kramer: But they do - and they are the ones writing it off.”
- Seinfeld, The Package
19. Educate yourself.
There are lots of web sites and videos on the Internet that show us how the monetary system works and how to transform it. The more we can shift the mass consciousness into understanding and transforming the monetary system, the quicker it will transform. In fact, articles like this are a testament to what Dr. Michael Beckwith (from The Secret) refers to as the "Gifting Economy".
Example: Free resources, coaches, mentors, movies and events are abundant. The American Dream is a comical and entertaining story about the world economy. The Money As Debt movie series is a great series of animated cartoons that have become super-viral and translated into many languages. Zeitgeist: Moving Forward movie is an international phenomenal responsible for an entire movement of a resource-based economy (without money). It is the largest non-profit independent film release in history.
20. Be creative.
The multitude of ideas doesn't end here. Hopefully this just gives us an indication that there are so many ways to get things for free, that our subconscious mind will now live far more abundantly and gratefully.
Example: Use this special report as a method to encourage your community of friends to gift more. Share it with them, and specifically mention how several things you did made a difference for you (referencing points in this special report, since most people won't take the time to read all of it). If they find value in it, they will appreciate you for it, and you will be building your social credit with them.
“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this:
you haven’t.”
~ Thomas Edison
21. Embrace family.
Some say that we can always fall-back and rely on family. Even if we have mistreated them, been unkind or unfair, they will always accept us back in their arms with love. Similarly, we sometimes overlook searching our own family and extended family for the the things we want and need.
Example: Families are known for sharing food, clothing, jewelry, massages, electronics (players, computers, smart phones), and money. Sometimes what it takes is forgiving a family member, which allows the abundance to flow in.
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
~ Alexander Pope
22. Sex appeal.
While this one may be controversial, we can't deny that it does exist in many cultures. Where do we draw the line in terms of using our sexual energy to get products and services for free? Everybody appreciates simple smiles, compliments, acknowledgements, and appropriate affection.
Example: Authentically use authority, social economic status, association to certain individuals, or the ability to market to a large database, as a means to acquire product samples.
“Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got
and fifty percent what people think you've got.”
~ Sophia Loren
23. Integrate and persist.
Each of these paths may not be effective entirely on their own. However, when used in combination, (whether simultaneously or periodically), it will yield much more effective results. Children know this when nagging their parents. As adults, instead of being irritating, we're being resourceful and innovative.
Example: Marketers understand that because people are overwhelmed with information, they need multiple impressions before they are even aware of a certain offering. Many times e-mails get filtered into junk folders, or text messages end up in cyber-space. It's always a good idea to use multiple mediums of communication to ensure our message was in fact heard.
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
~ George Bernard Shaw
Bookmark this site so you can refer back to it the next time you are wanting to get something for FREE. Plus, new information and resources are added to this special report periodically, keeping it fresh and up-to-date. What insights, strategies, or resource could you contribute? Or write down what you have learned that is most impactful below, so others can gain value from your articulation.
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Let's love the world together...
[)anish /|hmed, blind visionary
I am a blind, Pakistani albino. Really. That's who I am. I'm an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author of "A Dictionary of Distinctions."
My vision is to help transform the lives of millions of people around the world through a new media genre: the convergence of entertainment and inspiration.
For example, I produced "What is Love?" -- -- a three minute movie on the Internet, now seen by a million people across 112 countries. My greatest passion is working with projects like co-producing hit shows (such as I DECIDE and SHIFT), and now working on a feature-length reality-based biographical movie of my life called "an Ordinary Story"!
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