People go to their spiritual place on whatever day of the week and think that that is faith.
People set rules for other people to live by in order to be part of the ‘faith’ club and again, think that that is faith.
But none of that is real faith.
Real faith is an act of courage.
Real faith is doing the work to create a vision, even when everything inside of you wants to doubt yourself, doubt the vision, doubt the calling, doubt your higher power and despite all that, STILL you take the next step.
That is faith.
Faith is getting inspired on a Sunday and then walking into your real life and taking that inspiration into every day as YOU DO THE WORK!
Faith is feeling like you are walking through the fire to create the life you feel called to live AND STILL GETTING UP EACH MORNING AND DOING THE WORK!
Faith is believing AND acting when everyone around you doubts that you have what it takes.
Faith is writing out your goals and dreams each day and choosing to believe the deliberately designed vision in your head more than the current ‘reality’ you can see before you.
Faith is spending the money to work with a coach to keep you on the straight and narrow because you know that the prosperous vision in your head is a done deal – Just a matter of time!
Faith is not looking for someone else to blame when things do not go according to plan but rather taking full responsibility and looking for a path through, anyway you can.
Faith is ramping up your action when everyone else is ramping down.
Faith is fighting the resistance and choosing to do the work, whether you feel like it or not because the vision you see in your head is more compelling than the pain you feel to get started.
Faith is no longer buying into your sad story of the past – It is choosing to create a new story of triumph.
Faith is actually believing that your higher power LOVES you and acting as a loved individual rather than one who has to always pay your dues, one who cannot question for fear of being zapped or sent to hell.
Faith is knowing that all TRUTH stands up to scrutiny and daring to question anything that seems to hinder your progress.
Faith is KNOWING that all things work for good when you are on purpose and so no longer fearing the unknown or even if you fear it a little, you keep on walking anyway.
Faith is believing you have something to offer and offering, offering, offering it, even when you doubt yourself.
Faith is dreaming up and MAKING the next offer, even though the hundred offers before BOMBED!
Faith is no longer caring what other people think of you.
Faith is refusing to settle for any less than your best.
Faith is refusing to stay comfortable when you know you are called to a challenging and yet, exhilarating vision.
Do you really have faith? Maybe not right now, but you can CHOOSE faith. It is simply an act of courage – Will you be that courageous and do what it takes to deliberately design the life you are born to live?
Yes? Join me on Sunday for a FREE webinar telling you exactly how to get more impact and more income online this 2016 – the first quarter of the year is over, do you have a money plan for the rest of the year? Register now at
This FREE webinar is for entrepreneurs (current or soon to be) who want to promote their products, services, music, books, ministry online. Register now at
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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