Method No 6: Experience the Source of Creation Within
Learn to let go of thoughts and experience the silence or peace between the thoughts. Here in this silent space exists the field of unlimited possibilities from which all beings, forms, objects and interactions flow forth. Begin to identify less with your body and mind and experience yourself as formless consciousness. As consciousness or energy you are actually one and the same with the consciousness that is the source of all that you seek to manifest.
One consciousness, energy and matter.
All beings, objects and events are manifestations of the unmanifest, where all exists as latent potential. This is described by some scientists as the “field of possibilities”, the “zero point” or according to David Bohm, the “implicate order,”in which all is one, undifferentiated and “touching in time and space.” Some scientists believe that this entire physical world is a temporary manifestation of this unmanifest state of energy and consciousness. Science tells us that our perceptions of time, space and separate beings and objects are actually illusions and that in reality there is one energy, one consciousness and one matter that none of them can be cut or segmented (a scientific fact very contradictory to what our senses are presenting us).
Spiritual teachers for thousands of years have taught that there is one universal consciousness, which most relate to as God, that is manifesting as all that is – including all humans, animals, birds, insects, plants, mountains, seas, planets, suns, and galaxies. This would be very similar to the projector light that is creating absolutely everything on the movie screen, including all the people (regardless of their actions or roles), the earth beneath them, the sky above, the animals and insects, trees, the weather, the rivers, the seas, mountains and clouds. All of these are manifestations on the screen of one white formless light that, when passing through the film, appears as all of the above. Christian theologians might call this the «aktisto fos» or the unformed (not yet built) light, from which all comes forth.
We are the God of our dreams
Another example is our dream world in which all the beings, objects, interactions and events are all solely products of our own consciousness and there is nothing there that is not a manifestation of our own consciousness being formed by our subconscious thoughts, needs and feelings.
Our material world is very similar to the examples above. Although it appears to be separate from us and created by forces over which we have no control, the truth being brought to the surface by both scientific and spiritual leaders is that our world is very much a projection of our own consciousness and the subconscious and conscious beliefs that form that consciousness.
Thus, when we experience ourselves as the consciousness behind and beyond our thoughts, we are actually then in touch with the pure consciousness, which is the source, the basic reality behind anything that we are seeking to manifest. Whatever it is that we seek to create has its origin in this state of pure consciousness.
Deepak Chopra considers this to be the first spiritual law of success. He suggests four means of becoming aware of this state of pure consciousness, which is not yet limited or restricted by specific thoughts.
He suggests non-judgment, the practice of silence, quality time spent in nature and meditation.
Let us look briefly at these methods of calming the mind so that with less mental activity, we can become aware of the essence within us.
Acceptance of what is
Non-judgment means the acceptance of all as it is. Acceptance of ourselves as we are, others as they are, our life situation as it is as well as society and governments as they are. This is a starting point for peace. Acceptance of all this does not preclude making conscious efforts to improve what is. It means accepting that all is as it can be at this point in our evolutionary process as a step towards developing into a more evolved version of what exists.
Non-acceptance or rejection of ourselves, others, or of what exists puts us in a state of conflict or antagonism with reality. Such a mental state prevents us from letting go and experiencing that state of pure consciousness, which is the source from which we want to manifest is flowing forth. When we reject the “created”, we are alienating us from the source of creation.
Only by accepting and cultivating a friendly relationship with the “created” or “what is” can we then proceed to manifest a higher version of it. You can understand this from children’s’ behavior. When we reject them, they become more entrenched in the behaviors that we are rejecting. When they feel accepted, they are more willing to change. The same is true concerning our personal habits or traits such as smoking, over eating or our appearance. We need to first accept ourselves as we are before we can change.
Acceptance of what is, allows our minds to let go of a large percentage of mental disturbance, enabling us to more easily let go and flow into the state of pure consciousness, which is the source of all creation. As will be explained in the next step, intentions are much more powerful when released in a state of pure consciousness than in a mind inundated with thoughts.
An example of this is a totally still pond into which we throw a pebble. The ripples of that pebble are clearly apparent on the water. If the water is already disturbed by waves, then the waves created by the pebble will have little noticeable result upon the water. When we project our desired realities in a state of pure consciousness, these thoughts have a much clearer affect on the field of consciousness, than when our intentions are hidden by an unceasing flow of random thoughts.
The practice of silence
The practice of silence is Deepak Chopra’s second suggestion as a means to develop a contact with the field of pure potential. You can choose to be silent verbally and, if possible, mentally a few hours a week or a day. This means that you will choose to not talk to anyone during those hours (unless they sincerely need something from you), neither will you read, watch TV, nor listen to the radio. You might even choose not to listen to music. Just be silent with yourself. This can easily be combined with the next two suggestions, which are contact with nature and meditation. The simplest way to practice silence would be to meditate daily or take a nature walk for a few hours each week.
These are not meant to be unsocial activities, but simply ways in which we let go of our attachment to communication or external stimulus and allow our minds to experience inner peace.
Being in nature
Contact with nature allows our minds to let go of the need to control and think. The beings in nature, the trees, flowers, insects, animals, rivers, seas etc, do not have an ego that we feel the need to protect ourselves from or prove ourselves to. In nature our ego relaxes and lets go of the need to be something other than we are. This simplicity leads us to the field of pure potential.
Daily meditation
Meditation is an ancient and yet always contemporary method of transcendence from the field of thoughts and access to the field of pure consciousness and of pure potential. There are many forms of meditation and although each may guide you through a different process and varied objects of concentration, they universally lead to a state of transcendence of the mind and thoughts. If you are interested in this subject, I suggest you read my book The Art of Meditation.
Here I am presenting you with a simplified type of meditation based on an observation of the mind:
a. Sit comfortably with the spine straight and all the body in a relaxed state.
b. Breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes, relaxing as you breathe.
c. Allow your awareness to pass through your body and let each part of your body relax. You might want to imagine a sense of light filling each part of the body and then surrounding the body.
d. Once you are relaxed, begin to observe your thoughts. Do not try to control them, but simply observe what your thoughts are about and what your mind does.
e. As you are observing, you may notice the patterns and tendencies of the mind, such as that the mind tends to dwell on what has happened, creating pain or bitterness, or that the mind tends to focus on the future with anxiety. You may notice that the mind spends a lot of time in “control thoughts”, as it seeks to find ways to control people and events so that it can feel “safe”. Noticing the tendencies of the mind can often lessen the grip these thoughts have on you, for you now see them for what they are: attachment, fear, doubt and habit. Do not try to force your thoughts to stop. Simply observe them and they will gradually lose their power, just as darkness disappears when the light is turned on. There is no conflict between darkness and light. Darkness simply recedes in the light. In the same way thoughts recede in the presence of the all-accepting witness.
f. Now begin to observe the space between the thoughts. The space that exists after one thought ends and before the next appears. Most people have never experienced that state (except unconsciously in sleep). As the thoughts slow down, you will begin to witness that space between the thoughts and cultivate the ability to relax in that space.
g. Spend as much time as you can enjoying the peace in this space between the thoughts. You may experience energy, light, silence, the loss of time and space, or none of these.
h. When your mind wanders to thoughts do not fight with it. Do not make this a contest or a conflict of some type. Simply return to focusing on the space with unending patience and perseverance.
i. In the next section we will discuss the ways in which you can release your intentions while in that state. It is important, however, to emphasize that, regardless as to whether we release intentions, the experience of this state of pure consciousness is perhaps the one most important act that we can perform in our lives, because it connects us to our source of peace, power, clarity, guidance, truth, happiness, love and fulfillment. There is no other act that can offer us so much.
Old programming
Remember that these random thoughts, generated by old programming, needs, doubts and fears, as well as various negative feelings about the past and future, are actually molding our unlimited consciousness into the specific reality that we are experiencing. We are attracting and creating realities based on these unenlightened thoughts and feelings that pass endlessly through the mind. In the absence of conscious intention, our reality is created by this endless stream of predominantly meaningless and often negative thoughts.
If we want to create a new, more fulfilling reality, we will need to move beyond these thoughts and experience our real self as pure consciousness behind the programmed mind. These four suggestions made by Deepak Chopra, with which I totally agree, are a few of the ways we can do this.
There are many other forms of meditation that can facilitate your connection to pure consciousness and higher aspects of our being, such as meditating on the light, sound, mantra, energy centers and images of one’s chosen ideal, such as Christ or the Divine without form. You can meditate at any time, but the best time is early morning and always on an empty stomach. Remember to let it be a natural and enjoyable experience and not something you have to do, but want to do.
During the remaining waking hours, observe your mind and its habits. Become the neutral accepting witness of all that your mind does. Do not reject or feel guilty or angry with your mind. Simply observe it and understand it as a beloved child who does not know better. In this way you will develop freedom from many useless and sometimes destructive mental activities.
Exercise no. 9 - Decide to enjoy meditation daily at approximately the same time. If you prefer there are CDs available for guidance at
Exercise no. 10 - Observe the mind and its activities throughout the day. Become the witness to your mind and thoughts.
Robert Elias Najemy, a life coach with 30 years of experience, is the author of over 20 books, 600 articles and 400 lectures on Human Harmony. Download wonderful ebooks, 100's of free articles, courses, and mp3 audio lectures at Find 8 of his books at
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