We are living in a very competitive era. Before winning the competition, you need to be in the competition. To be in the competition, you need to stay active. But there are lots of issues you have to fight with which can reduce your active energy. Some of those issues are depression, anxiety, and stress, etc. By boosting up your active energy, you also can enhance your work enthusiasm. So here we are going to discuss excessive sleep disorders in brief. Along with that in this blog, we will also discuss some tips which can help you to stay awake.

Excessive sleep disorders
There is nothing like excessive sleep disorder, but excessive sleepiness can be the outcome of some other disorders. So here we are discussing some of those disorders which can make you excessively sleepy during the odd hours of the day. Those are as follows;
Narcolepsy is a disorder which can stop you from sleeping at night. This sleep disorder is a neurological disorder because of which you may not able to sleep at night. When you are not able to sleep at night it can make you sleepy during the working hours of the day. You also may have to experience hallucinations because of this issue. To maintain your sleep cycle by treating narcolepsy, you should take the help of the doctor.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is another sleep disorder that also can be the cause of excessive sleepiness during the day time. Because of this problem, you may not able to sleep at night. When you are suffering from this problem, the oxygen level in your body reduces because of which the central nervous system sends signals to the brain and it keeps you awake during the night. When you cannot sleep at night, you have to suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day. This issue can reduce your active energy and so it is important to treat this issue.
Shift work sleep disorder
Shift work sleep disorder is suffered by those who have to do work in the odd hour shift. Who have to do their works in the shift, their sleep cycle is irregular that can make you excessively during the working hours of the day.
These are the sleep disorders which can make you sleepy during the working hours of the day. Now we are going to discuss some tips by following which you may able to boost up wakefulness in you.

5 tips to stay awake
Now we are going to discuss 5 tips which can help you to stay awake. These cannot cure your sleep disorders, yet those can help you to stay awake even when you are suffering from those issues. Those tips are as follows;
Daily exercise
Doing exercise daily is the best way to stay healthy, mentally and physically. Daily exercise in the morning can help you by boosting up wakefulness also. To stay active and awake for the whole day long, you should do exercise in the morning. By regulating the blood flow in the body, daily exercise helps us to stay awake. If you feel that your wakefulness is also reducing, then you can start your day with exercise. To keep yourself active, you also can take the help of meditation that can keep your brain active. Mindfulness is the best meditation that you can try to stay awake during the day.
Green tea
In boosting up your active energy, caffeine can be very effective. But an excessive amount of caffeine is not good for your health. Most of the time, as a caffeine drink, we drink coffee. But as coffee has an excessive amount of caffeine, it is not good for your health. Instead of coffee, you can take the help of green tea. A cup of green tea can be more effective and healthy than a cup of coffee to stay active. Green tea contains antioxidants which can be very effective for our brain health. To stay awake, drink at least 2 cups of green tea in a day.
To stay awake during the daytime, it is very important to get sound sleep in enough amounts in the night. By maintaining sleep hygiene, you can have sound sleep at night. Along with that, getting enough amount of sleep is also important. According to the experts, an adult should sleep for 7 to 9 hours a day. Thus you can stay awake for the whole day.
Maintain diet
Foods also can create effects on your sleep cycle. To stay awake while working, you should avoid heavy foods. Having light foods can help you to stay awake and active. While working, to stay active, instead of unhealthy snacks, you can have nuts and seeds which can keep you active. Drinking water can be very effective to boost up our active energy.
Music also can help you to stay awake can active during the working hours of the day. Music can boost up the neurotransmitters in our brain and thereby enhance wakefulness in us. When you feel sleepy while working just put on your headphones and listen to music, but don’t listen to soft music which can make you sleepier. Instead of that, listen to live music like rock and pop that can keep you awake.
These are some of the tips which can help you to stay awake. If you want an easy solution to stay awake, then also you can take the help of smart drugs. Smart drugs cannot cure the issues which can make you excessively sleepy. Yet those can help you to stay awake even with those issues. One of those smart drugs is Modvigil that you can use to stay awake. Modvigil is a brand of Modafinil which is also said to be the alternative to Modafinil. This smart drug stimulates the neurons in the brain to keep us awake and active. To enhance wakefulness in you by taking Modvigil, use this smart drug properly.

Author's Bio: 

Sheldon Cooper is a blogger who is working as digital marketing company. You can read her blogs on miscellaneous topics. There is minute information you can find in her blogs. Read her blogs here and share your views on this topic.