Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium, also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. We have spent much of our time to discuss how conventional and traditional Chinese medicine in treating endometriosis. In this article, we will continue to discuss how flower plants can help to treat endometriosis ( Part B).
M. Delicious Monster
I. Definition
Flower remedies - delicious monster also known as Swiss cheese plant, fruit salad plant or monster fruit is a creeping vine native from southern Mexico to Panama. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating arthritis.
II. How Delicious Monster effects women with endometriosis
1. Fluid retention
Delicious monster fruit containing high levels of potassium, like banana that helps to regulate the levels of sodium and improve the lymphatic function resulting in lessening the risk of water retention in the body tissues and breast tenderness for women with endometriosis.
2. Menstrual cramps
It is said that delicious monster also helps to relax the body muscles resulting in reducing the menstrual cramps caused by over active abdominal muscles.
3. Menstruation
The fruit of delicious monster also contains high amount of vitamin C which is essential for lessening the heavy blood flow during menstruation as resulting of strengthening of the small veins in the abdomen.
4. Folic acid
It also contains folic acid that helps to increase the production of red and white blood cells through cell division and DNA duplication resulting in strengthening the immune system in fighting against endometrial implants and adhesion and reducing the symptoms of endometriosis such as anemia, fatigue. emotional and physical stress, etc.
The tiny hairs on each section of the plant can cause a burning irritation to the skin and tongue and eating the immature fruit which still has the kernels firmly attached, exposes the throat to the oxalic acid is dangerous.
N. Fuchsia
I. Definition
Fuchsia is a flowering plant, mostly shrubs and can grow long shoots. It is native to South and Central America. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating skin ailments, small blisters and rashes.
II. How fuchsia effects women with endometriosis
1. Nervous system
Fuchsia is said to help to provide more the energy to body by increasing the fat and protein metabolism resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis including fatigue, tiredness and loss of memory due to aging.
2. Menstrual cramps
It also helps to reduce the tension of nervous muscle moving including the abdominal muscle, thereby, it calms the over active muscle in the uterus resulting in reducing the menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis.
3. Respiratory system
Fuchsia also improve the respiratory air ways, that not only helps to decrease the air way illness but also provide more oxygen for our body need resulting in lessening the nervous tension that causes symptoms of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, anxiety, migraine and depression.
4. Kidney tonic
It is also a kidney tonic medicine that helps to improve the kidney function in urinary secretion resulting in helping the lymphatic function and reducing the risk of water retention.
5. Irritable bowl syndrome
Fuchsia is helpful in improving the irritable bowl syndrome for women with endometriosis that helps to reduce menstrual cramps caused by endometriosis attached to secretion organs.
6. Circulatory system
It also helps to reduce high blood pressure caused by stress and anxiety for women with endometriosis by increasing the function of the heart and blood circulation resulting in increasing function of the nervous and reducing symptoms of endometriosis.
O. Gardenia
I. Definition
Gardenia. a popular shrub and ornamental in the southern part of the United States, is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae, native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating stress, fear and anxiety.
II. How gardenia effects women with endometriosis
1. Circulatory system
Gardenoa contains chemical genipin that helps to increase the function of liver in carbohydrate synthesis resulting in lowering the glucose in the blood stream that helps to improve the function of the nervous system and lessen the symptom of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, anxiety, fatigue and tiredness.
2. Liver tonic
Genipin in the gardenia not only helps to relieve the symptoms of type II diabetes, it also helps liver in protein and fat metabolism resulting in lessening the risk of over production of certain members of the prostaglandins family that causes menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis.
3. DNA orders
Gardenia also is a collagen tonic, it helps to break down the protein into its base amino acids during digestion that not only helps to improve the joint tissues but also increases the the body in regulating the DNA orders resulting in lessening the risk of abnormality of cell growth including the endometrial cell growing somewhere esle other than the endometrium.
4. Crocin
Gardenia also contains crocin, a natural carotenoid chemical compound, it helps to increase the function of immune system in fighting against the forming of free radicals and invasion of bacteria and virus including the forming endometrial implants and adhesion.
5. Nervous system
Crocin in gardenia besides helping to fight against the inflammation caused by abnormal cells growth, it also helps to relax the cells in the nervous system resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, anxiety, fear and depression.
P. Garland Chrysanthemum
I. Definition
Garland chrysanthemum also known as chrysanthemum greens or edible chrysanthemum, is a flower and leaf vegetable in the genius Leucanthemum. It's flower has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as blood tonic.
II. How garland chrysanthemum effects women with endometriosis
1. Beta carotene
Garland chrysanthemum contains high amounts of beta carotene that is converted to vitamin A in our body. It is an antioxidant which helps to improve the immune system fighting against the foreign invasion including endometrial implants and adhesion and bacteria and virus.
2. Iron
It is also rich in iron, the mineral that is necessary for increasing the production of red blood cell and oxygen absorption. Without enough iron, our body can not make enough blood to replace those blood loss for women with endometriosis and heavy blood flow during menstruation that causes anemia.
3. Folate
Folate or folic acid in garland chrysanthemum besides is necessary for cell division and DNA duplication, it also helps to improve the function of nervous system resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis during menstrual cycle including memory loss, tiredness, fatigue, insomnia, etc.
4. Vitamin K
Vitamin K in the flower plant, garland chrysanthemum, not only helps to protect the skin membranes, but also helps to reduce blood flow for women with endometriosis during menstruation.
5. Vitamin C
It also contains high amount of vitamin C that not only helps to improve immune system fighting against inflammation caused by abnormal cell growth including endometrial implants and adhesion, it also helps to strengthen the capillaries wall resulting in lessening the risk of breaking off of the small veins in the abdominal region resulting in reducing the heavy blood flow for women with endometriosis.
Since garland chrysanthemum contains high amount of sodium, please intake it with potassium rich food to avoid fluid retention.
Q. Geranium
I. Definition
Geranium also known as cranesbills, is a genus flowering plant native to in the eastern part of the Mediterranean region. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating digestive disorder.
II. How flower remedies - Geranium effects women with endometriosis
1. Circulatory system
Geranium is said to contain substances that help the blood vessels to contract resulting in lessening the heavy blood flow for women with endometriosis and heavy blood flow during menstruation.
2. Digestive system
It is said that Geranium is a digestive tonic medicine which helps to improve the digestive system in absorbing of vital vitamins and minerals for the body celsl need resulting in lessening the system of endometriosis caused by nutrients deficiency.
3. Immune system
It also helps the liver in fat and protein metabolism through bile secretion that helps to inhibit the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood stream and increase the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of nervous system resulting in lessening the risk of nervous tension and symptoms of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress.
4. Hormone balancing
Geranium also helps to stimulate the function of endocrinal glands in regulating the production of levels of estrogen resulting in lessening the risk of endometriosis forming in other part of the body and menstrual cramps.
5. Water retention
It also helps to improve the lymphatic function resulting in reducing the water retention in the body tissues.
Geraniums is also used in homeopathic medicine as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antidepressant and diuretic.
R. Gladiolus
I. Definition
Gladiolus also known as sword lily, is a flower plant belongs to the genus Gladiolus containing about 260 species and native to South Africa. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating diarrhea and stomach upsets.
II. How gladiolus effects women with endometriosis
1. Digestive system
It is said that gladiolus has been used in traditional South Africa medicine to improve function of digestive system in absorbing the variety of nutrients which are necessary for women with endometriosis because for what ever reasons, most of them are found to have some kinds of nutrients deficiency during menstrual cycle.
2. Secretion system
Gladiolus also helps to improve the contraction of the large intestine and movement of stool that decrease the risk of constipation resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps for some women if endometrial implants and adhesion attached to the secretion organs.
3. Nervous system
It also helps the liver in fat and protein metabolism resulting in lessening the tension of nervous system including symptoms of fatigue, emotional and physical stress, anxiety and depression.
4. Menstrual cramps
It is said the plant also helps in regulating the function of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family as resulting of liver function in balancing the levels of fatty acids. As we know unbalancing of fatty acids causes over production of some members in the prostaglandins hormone resulting in over active uterine muscles and menstrual cramps.
5. Sexual desire
Gladiolus is said contains substance that helps to stimulate the production of testosterone which is essential for some women who have had symptoms of libido during menstrual cycle caused by low levels of testosterone in the body.
S. Hollyhock
I. Definition
Hollyhocks is a flower plant in the genus Alcea family of Malvaceae and native to southwest and central Asia. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating chronic catarrh, and hayfever with catarrh and allergic rhinitis.
II. How hollyhock effects women with endometriosis
1. Constipation
Hollyhock is said to help in soothing irritable bowel syndrome, thereby it increases the movement of stool in the large intestine resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps caused by endometrial implants and adhesion to the secretion organs for some women with endometriosis.
2. Digestive system
Hollyhock also contains substance that help to improve function of digestive system in vitamins and minerals absorption resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis caused nutrients deficiency during menstrual cycle.
3. Inflammation
Hollyhock also helps to reduce inflammation caused by physical impact and endometrial implants and adhesion attached to the other organs excluding the endometrium.
4. Breast tenderness and water retention
It is also help to reduce the levels of prolactin hormone and increase the lymphatic function resulting in reducing the risk of breast tenderness and water retention in the body tissues for some women with endometriosis.
5. Menstrual cramps
Hollyhock contains substance which helps to relax the tension of the body muscles resulting in reducing the menstrual cramps caused by over active uterine muscles.
T. Honeysuckle
I. Definition
honeysuckle is an arching flower plant that has twining vines in the family Capreoliaceae and native to the Northern Hemisphere. It has been used in traditional medicine as a diuretic effect in the body.
II. How honeysuckle effects women with endometriosis
1. Liver
Honeysuckle has been used to increase function of liver function in fat and protein metabolism, that helps to improve the function of nervous system and reduce the tension of cells in the brain resulting in increasing the information transmitting between cells and reducing the nervous tension causing symptoms of endometriosis.
2. Water retention
It also helps to improve kidney function in urinary extraction and lymphatic function in secreting fluids from the body tissues that reduce the risk of water retention, one of the symptoms for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
3. Immune system
Hoenysckle also contains substance that helps to increase the function of immune system in fighting against the forming of free radicals and foreign bacteria and virus invasion resulting in lessening the risk of forming of endometriosis in some part in the body excluding the endometrium.
4. Digestive system
It also helps to fight against bad micro-organisms in the digestive system that increases the absorption of vital nutrients for the body because most women with endometriosis are found to have some kinds of nutrients deficiency during menstrual cycle.
5. Pain reliever
It is said honeysuckle also contains substance which helps to calm the over active of muscles in the body resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps caused by over active uterine muscles.
U. Jasmine
I. Definition
Jasmine is a flower plant with vines in the family Oleaceae , native to the Europe, Asia and Africa. It has been used in Chinese traditional medicine in treating headache, insomnia and chronic pain.
II. How jasmine effects women with endometriosis
1. Sedative
jasmine contains sedative property that helps to reduce the tension of nervous system during stress resulting in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis including emotional and physical stress, insomnia and depression.
2. Cell abnormality
jasmine also helps to regulate cell growth, thereby it decreases the risk of endometrial cells growing somewhere else other than the endometrium.
3. Menstrual cramps
It has been used in Chinese traditional medicine in treating muscle cramps in the abdominal region resulting in menstrual cramps caused by over active uterine muscles for women with endometriosis.
4. Sexual desire
Jasmine is an aphrodisiac medicine. It has been used to increase levels of testosterone for men and women alike resulting in increasing the sexual desire for some women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle.
5. Liver
It also helps to detoxify the liver that helps to improve the liver function in fat and protein metabolism resulting in lessening the risk of menstrual symptoms caused by over active brain cells.
V. Lavender
I. Definition
Lavender is a flower plant, belongs to the mint family Lamiaceae and native to the Mediterranean, South Africa and Southeast of India. It has been used in traditional medicine for balms, salves, perfumes, cosmetics, and topical application.
II. How lavender effects women with endometriosis
1. Immune system
Lavender is said to contain chemicals that helps to reduce the inflammation caused by physical impact or abnormal cell growing in the wrong part in the body, including endometrial cells, thereby, it helps to reduce the risk of endometriosis.
2. Nervous System
It also has a calming effect in the brain cell by improving the information transmitting between cells, thus it reduces the symptoms of endometriosis such as tiredness, physical and emotional stress and anxiety.
3. Insomnia
Lavender has been used in tradition medicine in relaxing the nervous tension at night resulting in lessening the risk of sleeplessness for women with endometriosis during memstrual cycle.
4. Hormone Inhibitor
As an extrogen hormone inhibitor, it helps to reduce the over production of estrogen' s level during menstrual cycle, resulting in reducing the risk of endometrial implants and adhesion as well as symptoms of endometriosis.
5. Cell division
Avender is also a mitotic that helps to regulate the cell division and cell growth resulting in lessening the risk of endometrial cell growing in other part of the body, excluding the endometrium.
W. Viola
I. Definition
Viola is a flower plant belongs to in the violet family Violaceae, distributed around the world. Most species are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. It has been used in traditional medicine in treating high blood pressure. Do not take pansies and violas medicinally for long periods of time as they can cause nausea and vomiting.
II. How viola effects women with endometriosis
1. Digestive system
It is said that viola helps to improve the disgestive system function in absorbing the essential vitams and minerals, thereby it decreases the risk of hormone imbalance caused by nutritaional deficiency.
2. Circulatory system
Viola has been used in traditional medicine as a blood tonic herbs, it helps to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol in the arteries resulting in increasing the function of heart, improving oxygen transportation and reducing high blood pressure as well as decreasing the tension of nervous and system and lessening the emotional and physical symptoms of endometriosis.
3. Pain reliever
It is said that viola contain substances that help to reduce the tension of uterine muscle resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps.
4. Vitamin C
Vitamin C in viola not only helps to improve the digestive absorption of vital nutrients, it also helps to reduce the risk of breaking off of capillaries wall thereby, it helps to reduce the risk of heavy period flow for women with endometriosis.
5. Immune system
Viola contain anthocyanin, the powerful antioxidant that not only helps to increase immune function in the body in fighting against any invasion of foreign substance such as bacteria and virus, but also prevent the abnormal cell growth such as peritonea cell growing into endometriosis in the abdominal region.
Do not take violas medicinally for long periods of time as they can cause nausea and vomiting.
X. Plumbago
I. Definition
Plumbago is a flower plant, belongs to the family Plumbaginaceae family, native to warm temperate to tropical regions of the world. It has been used in traditional medicine to cure lead poisoning.
II. How plumbago effects women with endometriosis
1. Digestive system
Plumbago is an antidyspeptic. it helps to improve function of digestive system in absorbing vital nutrients for the women with endometriosis because most of them are found to have some nutrietns deficiency during menstrual cycle.
2. Inflammation
It is said that the essential oils of plumbago help to improve the glandular swelling resulting in lessening the risk of inflammation caused by irregular cell growth including the endometrial implants and adhesion attached to other organs.
3. Nervous tension
Plugbago also contain substance that helps to reduce the nervous tension caused by emotional and physical stress during menstrual cycle.
4. Digestive system
It also helps to cure digestive disorder and improve the system in nutrients absorption, thereby it reduces the symptoms of menstrual cycle caused by nutrients deficiency.
5. Sitosterol glucoside
The sitosterol glucoside is said to help in regulating the cell growth in our body resulting in lessening the risk of forming of free radicals and endometriosis.
Y. Poppy
I. Definition
Poppy is a flower plant with one flower per stem and belongs to the poppy family. It has been used in traditional medicine as pain reliever.
II. How Poppy effects women with endometriosis
1. Sedative
Poppy contains alkaloids, they are chemical compound that help to relieve the tension of nervous system for all causes, therefore it also reduces the menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis caused by over active uterine muscles.
2. Congestion
It is said that poppy also helps to improve congestion caused by blockage of the nasal passages that increases function of respiratory system in oxygen absorbing thus, increasing the blood transportation of nutrients to the body cell need and lessening the symptoms of endometriosis caused by nutrients deficiency.
3. Inflammation
Poppy also helps to stop the inflammation of blood vessels that decreases the risk of endometrial implants and adhesion caused by endometrial cell attached to the other organs in the body excluding the endometrium.
4. Insomnia
It also has been used in traditional medicine in aiding the sleeplessness caused by over active cells at night because of it's sedative agents.
5. Nervous system
Besides helping people who can not sleep at night, it also contains chemical agents that help to relax the nervous tension resulting in lessening the symptoms of anxiety or emotional stress caused by over active brain cells and hormone imbalance.
Z. Rose
I. Definition
Rose is a flower plants, belongs to the family Rosacea and native to Asia, with smaller numbers of species native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. It has been used in traditional medicine as immune system booster.
II. How rose effects women with endometriosis
1. Vitamin C
Rose contains hiogh amount of vitamin C which helps to reduce the risk of breaking off of the small veins in the abdomial region resulting in reducing the risk of heavy period flow for women with endometiosis in the abdomen
2. Digestive system enhancer
It is said the rose helps to increase the function of digestive system in aborbing the vitamins and mineral for women with endometriosis during menstrual cycle resulting in kesseing the risk of nutrients deficiency.
3. Constipation.
Rose is also a laxative herb, it helps to increase the function of large intestine in moving stool resulting in reducing the risk of menstrual cramps caused endometrial implants and adhesion attached to the secretion organs.
4. Menstrual cramps
Rose also helps to relieve the qi stagnation as resulting of congestion of uterine muscles. By releasing the qi, it helps to normalize the function of uterine muscles resulting in lessening the menstrual cramps for women with endometriosis.
5. Insomnia
It has been used as tea in some culture to aid sleeplessness for women during menstrual cycle caused by emotional and physic stress as resulting of over active brain cell at night.
Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look on the bright side.
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"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.
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