Endometrial cancer is a kind of malignant infection in the endometrium, the lining of uterus. The disorder is the most common form of uterine cancer and develops only in females. Numbers of cases related to the disorder are not that high as compared to other forms of cancers and the disease is highly treatable if detected in initial endometrial cancer stages.
Endometrial Cancer in Detail
Cancer of endometrium is also known as uterine cancer and develops mainly in the uterine areas. Most cancers of endometrium are of adenocarcinoma form. In such cases, the malignant growth occurs in healthy tissues and cells that are responsible for generation and release of mucus and other kind of vital fluids.
According to National Cancer Institute (United States of America), around 47,130 cases of the disorder were expected to occur in 2011 and numbers of deaths were estimated at 8010 females. According to American Cancer Society (United States of America), around one out of very forty women is prone to the disorder. The disease is found mostly in aged females and has low chances of occurrence in those less than 40 years of age. Median age group for the disorder is 60-70 years though some cases have also been detected beyond this age group.
High level of a hormone called estrogen is one of the biggest endometrial cancer causes responsible for formation of tumors in endometrium. Women who have undergone menopause should keep a regular check on estrogen levels in the body to minimize the chances of occurrence of cell abnormality in uterine areas. This also gives them an advantage of early endometrial cancer diagnosis and helps in apt endometrial cancer cure.
Obesity and diabetes are other major causes of the disorder. Having personal or family history of uterine cancer can help tumor-cells to grow at a greater pace and metastasize to other areas simultaneously. Women suffering from infrequent menstrual periods or those who lack ability to become pregnant are vulnerable to the disorder in quite early age. Women having start of menstrual periods in early age (less than 12 years) and those facing late menopause (after age of 50 years) should be very cautious about the health issues arising in reproductive organs and adjacent region.
Cancer of endometrium is more common in females having history of colon, ovarian, breast or bladder cancer. Women who have been treated with a drug called tamoxifen have high chances of uterine cancer women who are used to consuming contraceptive pills have less chances of being susceptible to the disease. Such pills should be taken only under proper medical prescription as their over-use may create severe complications in the body.
Unnatural menstrual periods, unexpected bleeding or discharge from vagina, hardening of vaginal areas, detection of lumps in the uterine region, pain or cramping in pelvis, and pain in abdomen are some of the major endometrial cancer symptoms. Most cases of the disorder are detected early due to easy identification of symptoms. This benefits the victim in getting high survival rate.
Endometrial aspiration, PAP smear test, biopsy, fine needle aspiration therapy, and vaginal ultrasound are some of the major tumor-detection methods to trace cancer-cells in endometrium. Dilation and Curettage, hysteroscopy, endoscopy, and endometrial biopsy are some other major diagnosis techniques commonly used.
Endometrial cancer should be handled under proper medical supervision and care should be taken to keep the level of side-effects from the treatments undergone to minimum possible level. One should also focus on fast recovery from the disorder to lead normal and healthy life.
Caren has always loved science and understanding how things work. The most valuable lesson I have learned at college is that medicine is a continual process of learning. My medical education is preparing me to become the best physician. You can share your medical problems with me.
For more detail read on endometrial cancer and uterine cancer early signs and symptoms
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