Everything is going according to plan. You’ve got your strategy laid out, specific goals in mind, and a long-term plan that seems to be airtight. But then it happens, just as everyone said it would. You’re smacked in the face with your first obstacle. “Not a problem,” you say, cracking your knuckles in anticipation of the challenge, “I can work through this! Just a minor set back.”

But then those obstacles, those minor setbacks begin to pile up, throwing off your best-laid plans. After a while, it’s enough to make even the most determined dreamer frustrated and disillusioned. However, there are techniques that you can use, at this very moment to help turn your obstacles into achievements.

True obstacles can come in a myriad of different sizes and shapes. You can find them right behind that inner voice that discourages you, telling you that you are not worthy, or that a sequence of events is just going too well – something is bound to go wrong! It can be as simple as a machine part that went out of production at exactly the wrong time, or maybe a family emergency crops up just before your big, potentially promotion making presentation to the boss.

So what exactly can you do? How do you turn these everyday setbacks into stepping-stones to your ultimate achievement?

Step #1: Recognize the Obstacle

As easy as it would be to ignore the brick wall blocking your path, it really isn’t a very effective problem solving method. As soon as you open your eyes again, that same annoyingly solid brick wall will be right there. A better approach would be to recognize the problem for what it is – take the time to step back and look at the situation with new eyes. By taking the time to truly understand the problem, you can better formulate the approach needed to solve it.

One of the most prevalent obstacles that most people face is a prime example of what happens when a problem is ignored. Remember that little voice that whispers in the back of your head, telling you that a plan will never work, or that success isn’t in your grasp? Now think for a moment about the times when you chose to ignore that little voice. What happened? Did it go away? Did it fade into the farthest recesses of your mind never to be heard again? My bet is that it probably did not. My bet is that it got louder until those doubts, that worry is all you heard.

So what would happen if you, metaphorically speaking stared down your doubt, your misgivings, and transformed them into a tool to further your plan? Sometimes a person’s doubt isn’t about a lack of self-confidence; sometimes a kernel of doubt is more about some flawed part of your grand scheme that the conscious mind simply doesn’t recognize. If you have doubts about the success of an endeavor, ask your self why? Go through your plan, step by step, and look for ways to improve it. Look for unnecessary activities that can be striped away. Look for circumstances that could lead to potential complications, and make contingency plans accordingly. By delving into where the doubt originates, and what can be done to alleviate the problem, you can easily turn your doubt into a helping hand to reach your goal.

Step #2: Transform Your Negative Emotions and Thoughts

Like it or not, sooner or later those dark, negative thoughts and emotions will creep into your thought process. Once they do, it can be hard to push them aside or ignore them. So why not try and transform them instead? One method that has been gaining more popularity is the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) as designed by Gary Craig.

Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT is based somewhat on the ancient practice of acupuncture, and the idea that our feelings and thoughts can greatly influence, and be influenced by the energies that swirl around and within us at any given point. Sometimes these energies, and ultimately our well-being get out of alignment, a little off kilter as it were.

EFT also takes the very common psychological idea that our emotions can have a material affect on our physical condition, and how we set our personal performance limits.

According to the EFT theory, negative emotions are caused by disturbances in the body’s energy field, and by fixing the problem with the body’s energy; you can ultimately bring about a balance, and transform your negative emotion into something more productive.

The law of attraction states that the experiences we're having are a vibrational match to the thoughts and feelings that we project. The way we feel is extremely important. Our emotions can easily become an indication of the direction that our minds, bodies and goals are headed. By using techniques such as EFT, a person can help to realign their outward projections, which in turn should attract the right kind of experiences needed to accomplish the overall goal.

Everything that happens in your life is for a reason. Every obstacle is an opportunity to transform yourself, and your situation into a new stepping-stone, a new way to align yourself with your dreams and desires.

Author's Bio: 

Joanne Roibu, the founder of LifeMasteryGuide.com, is a successful entrepreneur drawing on over 20 years of global corporate experience and excellence in building and growing businesses, developing effective teams and one-on-one executive mentoring and coaching. Joanne's work spans across the US, Europe, Latin America, Australia and Asia. She is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner and creator of the Co-Creating 101 program. Visit: http://lifemasteryguide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JM_Roibu