Hi there...

I know what it's like... I had times when I wasn't happy doing anything that I did. I did some great things, but I was never happy. All I knew is that I wanted to feel better, and whatever I did to try and feel better, didn't work. I felt horrible. Even though others thought I looked good, I felt horrible. I wanted to cry. I cried often. I cried so much that I couldn't cry anymore. I yelled out loud wanting to cry, and I couldn't even cry. And that made me feel even worse.

I know what it's like... Everyone was telling me that I should be happy, that I would be happy, or that I could be happy. Still, nothing was making me happy. My thoughts took me to unhappy places. I didn't want to think anymore. I was tired of analyzing everything and trying to figure things out. I didn't want to think at all. I wished the thoughts would stop.

I know what it's like... I was doing everything I could do. I was making it happen. I was being out there. I was going above and beyond what some people even thought possible. I felt like I was doing everything. Because I wanted to change, I really wanted to be happy. What more could I possibly do? I didn't get it! Was it going to be worth all this crap I was living through? Back then, I just wanted to die.

I know what it's like, and it totally doesn't work.

Every time I meet a new person, they are a gift. The fact that you are with me, at this point in the article, is a testament to our connection. I can't change what it's like for you, but I can tell you that I love you.

I love you because, despite the pain, you continue to push... Despite the confusion, you continue to search... And despite the results, you continue to believe.

I love you because you express your feelings, because you share your soul, and because you contribute to others.

I love you because dreams are within you, faith is beside you, and spirit is all around you.

I know what it's like, and I know who you are. You are more than what you think you are. You are more than whatever it is you are feeling at any moment. You are more than whatever it is you are going through at any moment. You are a miracle.

I know what it's like, and I know you'll get through it.

Now, let's love the world together...

[)anish /|hmed, Visionary

Author's Bio: 

I am a blind, Pakistani albino. Really. That's who I am. I'm an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author of "A Dictionary of Distinctions."

My vision is to help transform the lives of millions of people around the world through a new media genre: the convergence of entertainment and inspiration.

For example, I produced "What is Love?" -- http://www.TheLoveMovie.com -- a three minute movie on the Internet, now seen by a million people across 112 countries. My greatest passion is working with projects like co-producing hit shows (such as I DECIDE and SHIFT), and now working on a feature-length reality-based biographical movie of my life called "an Ordinary Story"!

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