Spirit comes to me in my dreams. Every night we go to the center of the Cosmos right within our own self. We go back to our Source to be healed and receive guidance. Eighty per cent of our dreams are compensatory, they help to analyze and solve the problems of the day.
Sometimes they show us the future or the past. Déjà vu may be the reality that we go in our dreamtime to the place, circumstance or words that we will encounter the next day.
I know when dreams are Spiritual, they are screaming symbology. I also know that some distorted dreams are from eating too much Pizza!
I had a dream years ago where someone asked me, “Have you heard from your bones lately? You always call them that.” She handed me the Birds of Paradise flowers and said, “Not many people want these.” Then I was given a name, a name I had never heard of in my waking state.
Many years later before I was on a computer or the
Internet, I went to the Library to look up the name I was given in my dream.
I walked in and noticed a low bookcase with used books for sale. The Encyclopedia listed two people with that name. One was a tyrant, I figured that was me!
As I left the library I glanced through the bookshelf for a book I might be interested in. I looked once; I looked twice, and then decided to touch every book that was there. I came to an actual script of the Broadway play “Cactus Flower” with my sisters’ name, Marjorie Battles as Botticelli Springtime! Marjorie was already in Heaven, and I knew she was tapping me on the shoulder to find that book!
Have you heard from your bones? Reincarnation, as stated in David Wilcocks book “The Synchronicity Key,” shows details of famous people in the past who still have the same facial structures that they did long ago. There is evidence that cycles repeat themselves in astonishing mathematical order. His examples include Hitler who has a sticking resemblance to the face of Hannibal. The souls journey sometimes repeats the behavior from the past and other times there is an improvement of character.
David may be the reincarnation of the famous seer Edgar Cayce, when looking at a photo of the two of them side by side you can really see it.
The minerals of Earth hold the memories. The stones gather the atmosphere around them. Bones of the body are the hardest material of the human form. My belief is they reorganize and bring back with them the memory of the past.
Chi, Ki, Prana, and Orgone are all names for the Life Force. This Life Force is in every atom of space. The Chi is stored in the bones.
Energy, or Life Force, never dies. The essence of who you were comes back together to once again attempt to live the “perfect” life.
Our Soul, our imprint never dies. But gathers again to form the latest vehicle for Earths journey. We can bring with us the memory of the distance past. It is said that the Angel of forgetfulness kisses us above our mouth as if to say Shhh so we won’t remember our past deeds. It might be too hard to return to this place of great sorrow and great joy.
It is not easy to accept that we might have been evil before. It is all part of the drama we call Earth.
Every thought, word, and deed is recorded in the ethers of earth. The Akashic Record is called the “Book of Gods Remembrance.”
The etheric body is the Life Force body and is an exact replica of the physical body. This is what is “opened” up during treatments of Acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu®, Shiatsu,, Reiki, and any type of energy work. All these modalities open up the system so that the body can heal itself.
If you want to find an answer to a question, ask your bones for help.
©2015Merry C. Battles
Merry C. Battles is the author and illustrator of "Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26 - January 6" It is her 26 year meditation journey with the 12 holy days of Christmas. Her book can be used all year long as we travel through each sign of the Zodiac. Merry has worked in the Healing Arts since 1977. She has practiced the art of massage, cellulite massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy and foot reflexology. Merry Is a Continuing Education Provider for Florida LMT'S. Her Intro courses in Jin Shin Jyutsu are open to all people.
Merry’s book can be purchased at authorhouse.com and amazon.com.
Autographed copies are available at: www.merrybattles.com also
My Every Day of the Year is Christmas Gift to you at my website, Free Ebook!
Email Merry at: merry@merrybattles.com
©2015Merry C. Battles
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