Through my many years teaching voice improvement, I have made some startling discoveries regarding dyslexia, stuttering and even spasmodic dysphonia. Because my approach deals with learning how to breathe with the support of the diaphragm, my clients have benefited in ways unimaginable; and, this has become very apparent with those who are afflicted with dyslexia.

Part of the material I use in my training is from Edgar Allen Poe’s, The Fall of the House of Usher. The work begins with these words,

During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year…

I have found that in reading this out loud, those who have dyslexia always say dark, dull instead of dull, dark. After a few years of hearing this mistake, I started to question my clients and discovered that most of those who transposed the two words had dyslexia.

What was so enlightening, however, was that after they learned how to breathe with the support of their diaphragm, their ability to read out loud became much improved; and, it happened in every single case. They no longer transposed those words or any other words or numbers. Their reading was no longer choppy and their flow of words was smooth.

The reason for the improvement is directly related to diaphragmatic breathing. When you learn how to find your ‘real’ voice, a voice that is being powered by the chest cavity, in addition to your other 4 resonators, you must be breathing with this support. [It is important to understand that 99% of the population are not using their chest cavity in the production of voiced sound: they rely on their voice box, throat, mouth and nasal cavities which result in a higher-pitched voice, lacking in resonance. In addition, a voice that is being amplified by the other 4 resonating cavities is one over which you have no control.]

Once you establish the breathing and speak with your optimum or ‘real’ voice, you will articulate more distinctly. In the case of my clients who have dyslexia, they are able to focus on their words because they have control over their speed and over their voice.

It is this control, only possible when one is breathing correctly, that makes all the difference. While I am not advocating voice training for children, I am advocating that we teach our children how to breathe properly at a young age. It can make all the difference, especially with this particular learning disability. It will give them an advantage and make learning much easier for them and much more enjoyable.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic or watch Nancy in a brief video as she describes The Power of Your Voice.

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