There is no doubt about it. You’ve got one: a richer, warmer speaking voice that, given the right tone, can be very, very hot. It is merely a matter of finding it.

Most speaking voices need work because most voices are higher in pitch than they should be. (Pitch deals with the highness or lowness of sound – not the volume which is the loudness or softness of that sound.) What is fascinating about training your voice is that when you learn how to use your chest as your primary sounding board, your pitch will most likely be lower. It may be a slight drop or it could be several whole steps.

The beauty of using your chest to power your sound is that your voice will be warmer in quality. Voices powered primarily by the throat, on the other hand, do not display that characteristic which is why they may sound harsh, throaty, wimpy, nasal, whiny, whispery, too young, too old, and by no means confident.

How can you tell if you are using your chest as your primary sounding board? Try the following exercise.

  • Stand in front of a mirror without your shirt and take a really deep breath. Watch yourself as you do this. Did your shoulders go up? Did you suck in the mid-torso area of your body? If so, then you are a shallow or lazy breather. Relax. You’re not alone.

99% of the population breathe in this manner. The problem is that shallow breathing is not natural. Deep supported breathing is. Your dog is doing it correctly as well as your cat. All mammals breathe with support; and, as a child you did too. Sometime during your early development, however, you resorted to upper chest breathing. Because that type of breathing is produced high in your chest area, it usually results in a voice that is higher in pitch as well.

Only when you use your chest cavity to power your sound will the pitch of your voice drop. And that is only possible if you learn to breathe with the support of your diaphragm, a muscular partition separating your chest from your abdominal cavities. In doing so, you can then capitalize on your chest cavity, the largest of your five cavities responsible for voiced sound, as your primary sounding board.

Once you establish your deeper voice, which I refer to as your ‘real’ voice, you will be amazed at how much more attractive you are to the opposite sex as well as how much more confident you sound.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady, Nancy Daniels, offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! the only video training on voice improvement. If you would like to see a dramatic 'before' & 'after' video clip, start with Craig by visiting Nancy's Voice Training Website in the center of the page. Then check out other video clips in the menu bar.