Developing a Mystic Consciousness
By Dr. Carol S. Batey
July 2011
John 15:16 “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.”

In this day and age, people are curious and are seeking a higher spirituality in their life. It appears they are trying to develop a deeper appreciation and awareness of their spiritual self. Did you know most are searching for a “mystical consciousness?” Yet, many don’t even have this concept in mind. They do have a sense of this awareness of a closer walk with the Divine or Spirit. Nevertheless, seekers attend churches, church schools, on-line studies, classes, read books, learn about the wisdom of the ancient sages, and attend universities, seeking a deeper understanding into their curiosity.
The co-founder of Unity, Charles Fillmore, defines a mystic in his book, The Revealing Word (1995), as “one who has an intimate first-hand acquaintance with God; a man of prayer.” In the same book, (p. 41), he writes that consciousness means, “the sense of awareness, of knowing. Jesus was the greatest mystic of all ages.”

Do you have the earnest need to draw closer to the Universal Spirit? You may be considering applying a mystical meditation. In the quest of one’s search of what is missing in their lives is an intimate inner knowing; consequently, a personal relationship with their God. The seeker (you) can gain a self-awareness that has not been developed before. Once a person opens their soul and integrates this knowledge, they can develop a keener spiritual awareness of a Higher Power.
The devotee of higher consciousness, practices of being unattached to the outer world, may try stillness, silence, spiritual practice, mental prayer, or mystical meditation. These are a few spiritual disciplines taught in martial arts, yoga, convents, and various religious schools. For a person to develop and achieve stillness and silence, they must be taught to center themselves and must be taught to go within. To accomplish this, one must let go of their conscious thoughts and turn their fears inward to the heart center. As one journeys on their spiritual path to a new beginning, the soul will travel in humility, trust, and faith in a Higher Power. Most will have an inner question, “What is happening to my soul?” Then, they must not rush the answers. They need to become still to hear or sense the feelings. Many say, “I feel different.” This is the perfect time to tune in again and ask, “What are the needs of my soul?” They sense and feel feelings that they had not felt before as they advance higher in levels of spirituality.

There is no short cut into a “spiritual awakening;” one must go through it. A few will continue to encounter inner pains, distractions, illness, uncomfortable feelings, fears and will desire a blueprint to follow. However, if one would study and then follow the blueprints and guidance left for us by the mystics and other sages, they would find enlightenment by their determination and fortitude. One of the most influential mystics is Jesus, who slowly came into prominence. This was told in the book Your Hope of Glory, written by Elizabeth Sand Turner. As the writer shares, periods of the life of Jesus when he was young are not written. After he was tempted three times, that was the ending of the “preparatory time.” He returned to the banks of the river Jordan where John the Baptist was preaching. He asked the people about who he was? There were two disciples. John said, “Behold the Lamb of God.” (John 1:36) The two followed Jesus. Jesus said to them, “What do you seek?” They asked, “Rabbi…where are you staying?” He said to the two, “Come and see” (John 1:38-39.) No one really knows where Jesus stayed; however, he extended the invitation for them to “come and see.” “Come and see” means to turn the mind and heart to the things of the Spirit. As we seek a mystic’s consciousness, we don’t want to let go of the things of the world. We often want the desires of the flesh and of the Spirit. We must seek the kingdom within our soul and His righteousness. We must let go of the outer and seek the inner source of all our supply, God the good. Then we must follow the Christ indwelling Spirit and abide in that dwelling place for ever. This article is taken from my 6th book I want to hear from you!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Carol Batey teaches Metaphysic Workshops at Frist Church Unity in Nashville.