Everyone on this planet will have experienced physical pain at one point or another, and there is also the chance that they have suffered mentally and emotionally. And although it could be said that there is a greater awareness around the former than the latter, it doesn’t mean that this is because what is taking place within can simply be overlooked.
One Outlook
As based on how today’s world is, it would be easy to say that what is taking place at a mental and emotional level is not as important as what is taking place at a physical level. There is then no reason for each area to receive the same amount of attention and everything should stay as it is.
If one has suffered on the inside, they will know that physical pain is not something that is more important. They could find it hard to understand why the world is the way it is, and this is to be expected.
Another View
At the same time, if one hasn’t suffered in the same way, they might find it hard to understand why someone would have this outlook. In their eyes, it could be seen as something that doesn’t have much of an effect on how someone experiences life.
In this case, if they were to come across someone who is suffering internally, they might wonder why they can’t just ‘get over it’, for instance. They could believe that these kinds of people are weak.
Therefore, if they were to come across someone who is suffering, they may tell them that they need to toughen up. And that if they were to start taking action or to simply change their life, they would soon feel better.
Still, it would be inaccurate to say this outlook will apply to everyone that hasn’t suffered, as there will be people that have good understanding of what it is like. This could be a sign that they have friends and/or family who have a mental and emotional problem.
In The Past
Along with this, one may also have suffered in one way or another in the past, and this then gives them a deeper understanding of what it is like. Either way, they will have the ability to empathise with people who are suffering as opposed to dismissing their experience.
As when one looks down on people who suffer in this way or wonders why they can’t just ’get it together’, it can be a sign that they find it hard to empathise. But if they do have this ability, then it shows that something is stepping them from putting themselves in these people’s shoes.
One of the reasons why physical pain receives more attention than mental and emotional pain is due to a number of reasons. For so long, having mental and emotional problems has been seen as something to be ashamed of.
This has then stopped people from reaching out for the support that they need and it then sets them up to suffer in silence. Fortunately, as time has passed, this is starting to change; however, there are still plenty of people who are still unable to reach out for the support they desperately need.
Part of Life
Having a mental and emotional problem can then become a life sentence and not something that one can gradually move beyond. It then won’t matter what kind of condition their body is in, as they won’t be able to enjoy the life that they have been given.
And one of the most common mental and emotional problems that someone can suffer from is depression. This can be a something that is fairly mild, or it can be something that is far more extreme.
Through experience this, one can feel down and lose interest in life; each day will then be a struggle. This is not to say that everyone experiences depression in the same, as there can be a difference in how if affects people.
At the same time, this is how lot of people experience life when they are depressed. And when one ends up feeling depressed, they can end up suffering in silence or they can go and see their doctor, for instance.
The Second Option
If one was to go and see their doctor, they might end up being referred to a therapist and/or end up being put on antidepressants. It could be said that it would be better for them to work with a therapist than to simply take something.
The reason for this is that it will give them the chance to look into why they are experiencing life in this as way; whereas if they were to simply take something, they wouldn’t be able to gain a better understanding of themselves. There is also the chance that it might be better for them to avoid taking anything, but this can all depend on the circumstances.
Through working with a therapist, it will give them the chance to bring their attention within themselves and to take a deeper look into why they are experience life in this way. Yet this doesn’t mean that one needs to work with a therapist in order to do this, as they can do this by themselves.
This can be a time where one can think about when they first started to experience life in this way and what was taking place for them at this time. Or if this in an experience that comes and goes; they can look into what takes place when it comes and what takes place when it goes.
A Process
When one’s point of focus is on what is taking place within them, they will be observing their thoughts, emotions and sensations. The feelings that arise within then could relate to something that has occurred during their adult life or what took place during their childhood.
This can then mean that one is carrying trapped emotions in their body, and this will have an effect on what is taking place in their head. But like most things in life, it can take a while before one is able to observe what is taking place within them.
Different Factors
At the same time, this doesn’t mean that depression is also caused by what is taking place within them, as it can be due to what they eat, the kind of environment they live in and what has been passed down from their ancestors. When their experience is not their own and it has been passed down, they will be suffering out of their need to be loyal.
Through developing self-awareness one will be able to get the ball moving and from here, they can begin to see what why they are experiencing life as they are. The alternative would be for one to have absolutely no awareness of what is taking place within them and it would then be a lot harder for them to change their life.
If one wants to develop self-awareness, they can do this through working with a therapist and by meditating. Reading books on self-development can also help.
Prolific writer, author and coach, Oliver JR Cooper hails from the United Kingdom. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation; love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over nine hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. Current projects include "A Dialogue With The Heart" and "Communication Made Easy."
To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/
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