For getting success in CSIR NET examinations, candidates must prepare for exam brilliantly. As we all know that Physics is mother of all sciences as well as technologies. Whether starting from nanotechnology, biophysics, Newton’s law, string theory of quantum computation and speed of light determination and many more determines the power of Physics.
Study Materials of CSIR NET Physical Science Study Materials & Books
The study materials, books or CSIR net physical science notes PDF always proves as an effective channel between candidates and their goals. Therefore, it is always advised to the candidates appearing in the exam must keep themselves updated with all the latest books, study materials and notes updated online for their excellent preparations. Candidates can take the help of CSIR NET coaching or can better go for online coaching where tutors and mentors are always there to guide with the best possible routes and also give the best preparation tips. The various study materials or books suggested in various
CSIR Net Physics Coaching are as follows:
1 Particle Physics C L Arora
2 Classical Mechanics Herbert Goldstein
3 Mathematical Physics H K Dass
4 Introduction to Electrodynamics David. J. Griffiths
5 Statistical Mechanics R. K. Patharia
6 Atomic & Molecular Physics Raj Kumar
7 Solid State Physics N.W.S.O. Pillai
8 Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Boylestad & Nashelsky
9 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics David. J. Griffiths
CSIR NET Physical Science Solved Papers with Answer Keys in PDF
As we all are aware that “Practice makes man Perfect” therefore it is suggested to all candidates appearing in the exam of CSIR NET must go through the sample papers and practice it thoroughly for refining their skills. Reaching to a great success, CSIR NET winners require great dedication, devotion and hard work. For investing the efforts in right direction, nothing is better than solving the sample papers, they act as best tools for any applicants for having an idea of format as well as practice it accordingly.
Important Tips for Getting Success in CSIR NET Exam
For getting success in exam, there are many important tips to be followed in exam by the appearing candidates such as:
• First of all set the target scores.
• Spend 4-5 hours on studying and revising the notes daily as well as learn the Physical Science Concepts wisely.
• Always focus on important topics – Electronics, Quantum Physics, Mathematical Physics, Electromagnetic Physics & Classical Mechanics.
• Prepare the quick notes, repeat, revise and remember it.
• Avoid cramming instead of it learn the topics with clear concepts & proper understanding.
• Solve the mock tests and past years papers.
• Try to teach others the Physical Science Concepts.
• Always try to solve maximum questions in minimum time. Before answering, think twice.
• Stay healthy & stay motivated.
The CSIR tips for Physical Science preparation will help in preparing well for exam and crack it with good marks. All the Best.
For getting success in CSIR NET examinations, candidates must prepare for exam brilliantly. As we all know that Physics is mother of all sciences as well as technologies.
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