Being confused, unclear, overwhelmed or broke are choices. But who the heck wants to hear that?!
I was coaching a business team recently and asked the group, “What do you need to step into, that will take you to your personal edge? What is something you want to experience more fully at work?”
The answers varied:
• Confidence
• Being direct
• Take charge of sales calls
• Make an impact
• Influencing and managing without nagging
• Redirect conversations that are going off track
• Make friends with paperwork (stop resisting it)
• Discipline
Next, I coached each team member on what their specific desire is, that will allow them to be their most powerful selves. What would cause them to step FULLY into their “beingness”? What skill will bump up their mastery in their business?
The interesting thing was that all of the coaching boiled down to a few simple practices:
• Be more intentional about the desired outcome before each phone call, conversation and action.
• Stop second-guessing their intuition/guidance. Trust their initial hit or choice.
• Connect to the essence of how each task or responsibility will serve them.
• Make their structures, processes and systems user friendly and fun.
One of the team members kept talking about how confused he was and that everything was crazy in his life. He kept saying, “I know confusion is a choice.”
People don’t consciously choose to be confused, unclear, overwhelmed or broke. It’s their default mode. However they do need to make a choice to be clear, focused, present and successful with their desired outcomes.
Every single team member was very clear about what wasn’t working. They knew what they didn’t want. I noticed they weren’t as articulate when describing what they did want. They talked around it.
Articulating your desired end results in a short and sweet fashion helps you, your team and the Powers that Be all get behind the cause. It will create concise and perfectly orchestrated action steps without effort.
You’re never really confused. And you certainly don’t need to be disciplined. Those two words never served anyone. They produce frustration and resistance. Just the opposite of what a successful person needs to fuel their fire.
Making a powerful impact and nailing the perfect choices consistently doesn’t come from trying really hard. It comes from trusting that ‘who you are’ is enough to kick butt. Being true to your desires, values and behavioral style is highly attractive and has impact.
Manifesting solid results comes with ease, when you know that your Inner Business Expert would never, ever, ever steer you wrong.
You don’t have to back up or prove the choices you make. If you knew it felt right for you in the moment, how could it be wrong?!
Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur:
Biz Building CD.
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